Round 8: The Brave Warrior vs The Mad Scientist

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Heimdall's horn sounded so loud to start the call for the eighth round of Ragnarok that it was heard throughout the Colosseum, in a very quick way, the seats of both sides were filled instantly. The minor gods awaited to receive their champion just like the humans do.  

In the box of the Greek gods as usual  are Zeus, Ares , Loki and Hermes.

In the box of the Norse gods, Odin his on own with his two ravens.

The Valkyrie duet of Goll and Brunhilde also watch from their usual place.

The combat arena underwent a considerable change, now it is a replica of the Racoon City, the area where the fighters will start will be in the police station, the R.P.D, where the brave police officers tried to protect the citizens but their efforts were useless, as they all fell victim to the terrible virus.

In the skies of the stage, several drones equipped with cameras fly to transmit the battle between god against man with the best possible angles to the screens that the stands have for the public

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In the skies of the stage, several drones equipped with cameras fly to transmit the battle between god against man with the best possible angles to the screens that the stands have for the public. There is also a helicopter hovering over the area, inside the Chopper is Heimdall wearing an R.P.D. police uniform,  he is ready to narrate the fight.


Heimdall: Ladies and gentlemen in our audience! Until now, we have witnessed 7 fights in total, of which 4 victories have been for the gods and 3 for humanity!

The humans seemed to be getting the upper hand until recently but thanks to the efforts of the representatives of the gods! the balance was put against the mortals!

Could it be that in this eighth round the gods will crush the hope of humanity once again?! Or will the mortals regain ground by beating the champion of the gods?!

The answer will be given by the next contenders and their performance in the battlefield! 

So before opening the eighth round, let me tell you a bit about the change of scenery, This was at the request of the champion of humanity and our divine representative accepted without question, he is too kind. This place is a replica of Raccoon City in the United States, more specifically, on the outskirts of the city police station where there was secretly an investigation facility belonging to the pharmaceutical company UMBRELLA! the infamous organization responsible for the creation of the t-virus that brought its population to ruin!

Narrator: The humans in the audience sadly recalled the events of September in 1998, when many of them perished in the massive outbreak of the virus, some others remembered how they lost one or more loved ones in that tragic incident.

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