1| His Touch

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"Fuck with Finn again. I fuck with you." Robin said washing the blood off his knuckles. He got into a fight that morning because some guy was talking smack to him.

The bullies just stood there watching Finney with hungry, angry expressions.

"You can leave now." Robin said shooing them out the door.

Finn shrugged his shoulder and went to take a piss.

"Thank you." He said. Robin looked up at him and smirked.

"You have to start sticking up for yourself." Robin said walking closer to Finney. Finney rolled his eyes and zipped up his pants. Then he turned to Robin who was slowly edging closer. "Here let me so you can try and fend me off."

"What? Robin you know I can't fend you off." Finney said looking confused. Robin didn't answer and swung at Finney. Finney ducked in surprise.

"That was good Chiquito." Finney looked at him confused.

"What does that mean?" Robin didn't answer however he just swung at him again. This time Finney blocked it with his arm. Robin didn't waste anytime throwing another punch. This one was too quick and it hit Finney in the stomach.

"Come on Mi querido!" Robin shouted. Finney had no idea what Robin was calling him so he assumed it was something that referred to him as a friend or maybe somebody that's weak.

Finney ended up blocking the next hit, but Robin was quick to push him against the wall. Finney put his arms up to cover his face, but Robin moved them and pinned them above his head.

"That was good Finn, but you need to work on it because as you can see I won." Robin said this leaning real close to Finney's body. "What do you say Mi amor?"

Finney had heard this phrase before. He knew what it meant. Blood rushed to his cheeks and he sunk into the wall behind him, breathing harshly.

"Robin I-" He stuttered trying to find the words, but it was very hard because Robin was pinning him to the wall and calling him names that you would reserve for your love.

"Cat got your tongue?" Robin asked. Finney closed his eyes and opened them again. Had Robin always looked good? Finney's eyes then trailed over to Robin's arms. They were always uncovered because Robin's love for cut T shirts. Now Finney had the chance to admire them.

"Come on Finney say something." Robin said, his grip tightening.

"I thought we were friends." Finney whispered.

"Why would you think I would ever want to be just friends with you?" Robin whispered back hovering his lips over Finney's. He wanted Finney to make the first move, because if he did it, it wouldn't be as enjoyable.

Finney almost groaned and whined at the lips hovering over his. He didn't want to be the one to kiss Robin, because if this was all a joke it would be very embarrassing.

"Come on Finney we don't have all day." Robin edged just waiting to be kissed by those sweet lips. Finney gulped nervously and slowly leaned forwards to connect their lips.

Robin smiled into the kiss triumphantly. He carefully placed both of Finny's arms into one of his hands and put the other on the wall next to Finnie's head.

They had been kissing for a few good seconds and then Robin felt Finney try and pull away. He pushed him closer to the wall earning a gasp from him, then Robin slipped his tongue into his mouth.

"dulce misericordia Finney." Robin muttered kissing Finney harder. Finney wanted to wrap his arms around Robin so bad, but they were pinned so he could only moan hoping Robin would get the point.

Robin didn't get the point, but he did pull away leaving Finney to pant and gasp for air. Robin then placed his lips onto Finney's neck.

"R-Robin." Finney stuttered when he felt Robin lick and kiss him. Robin smirked and then continued.

When Robin felt like he was done he stopped, dropped Finney's hands and walked out the door, leaving Finney confused.

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