9| Say My Name

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Slight smut?? I don't know how to say it? Masturbation? I don't even know at this point. I'm mentally unstable.

Finney: 17
Robin: 18

Finney Blake was feeling extremely guilty about what he was doing at the moment. If anyone dared to walk in on him it would be a total disaster just waiting to happen.

It's not like he was doing anything illegal or anything not normal per say, but he was doing something that could get him I don't know, maybe hate crimed.

And he was doing it and a pretty public place. I mean if you count the school bathroom as a public place.

His hand moved up and down his shaft, in a fast manner. It was almost as fast a jack hammer. Almost. He let out low pinched moans and rested his head against the back wall of the bathroom. He was in the biggest stall, so he could sit down and spread his legs. It was in the middle of a class period so no one should come in.

He tried thinking about something else. Anything else. But every time he forced his mind to think about Donna or some other girl In his class, his mind would always go back to the long brown haired boy that was always protecting him. His stupid brown eyes. His stupid bandana. He hated him. He hated that he wanted him.

He could feel himself getting closer and closer to an orgasm as he started moving his hand faster and faster.

"Robin.." He weakly moaned. "Robin." He kept saying his crushes name as he got to his high. In fact we started to get louder with saying his name. So loud, that he didn't hear the door open and close.

"Robin!" He screamed almost letting himself release. Then the stall door swung open to reveal the boy himself. Finney jumped taking his hand off his dick and looked up at him scared.

That particular stall door didn't lock and it was honestly very dumb of him to masterbating the bathroom anyway, but he had an urge. He didn't think that Robin would walk in.

"Finney..." Robin drawled in a low voice that sent shivers down Finney's spine. He didn't even bother putting his dick away. The damage has been done.

"Uh Hi." Finney said simply. His face was turning redder and redder by the minute. He was so hard at this point and he was moving around uncomfortably.

"We're you just, uh. Were you just- to my name.." Robin didn't know what to think. Finney didn't either. So for a minute they just stared at eachother. Then Robin's gaze went down to Finney's pants and stared at his dick.

He licked his lips and Finney's heart sped up. "Robin don't do that." He pleaded scooting himself backwards. Robin then stepped in the stall shutting the door behind him.

"Don't let me stop you Finn." Finney's eyes widened. Had he imagined Robin saying that? Did he actually? "Come on don't be shy."

Okay Robin definitely said that, but Finney was too nervous to put his hand back down there so he stared at Robin with red cheeks.

Robin thought it was extremely cute. He'd always been afraid to stare into Finney's eyes, but seeing him in a vulnerable situation changed that. It made him feel powerful.

"Come on Finn." Robin whispered kneeling down on his shoes, manspreading so he was closer to Finney. He then reached over and touched the boys cheek, caressing it.

Finney moaned with contentment and moved his hand and began stroking himself again.

Robin was a little nervous when he heard someone yelling his name in the bathroom. He thought someone was hurt. It took him about 2 seconds to realize it was his best friend's voice. He was really worried then. He hadn't expected this.

Just watching Finney jerk off to him was pleasurable. He didn't even need to touch himself. He was fine with just watching Finney.

"Robin..." Finney moaned weakly. Robin smirked and knelt closer until he was inches away from kissing him.

"Say my name." Robin demanded. His voice sent shivers through Finney's spine.

"Robin." Finney said with more urgency. Robin put his hands all over Finney's body to help him with his fantasy.

"God you're so cute." Robin whispered, placing his hand over Finney's and move his hand with him. Finney moaned even more. "Say it Finney."


"Scream it for me."

"Robin!" Finney shouted cumming all over both of their hands. His breath was rigid and he was sweating buckets. "Jesus Christ." He breathed out.

"Yeah." Robin agreed.

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