My Confession Letter

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Bro I literally got secondhand embarrassment from this letter even though it's not even that bad 😭 💀. I sent it to him at 1:35 in the morning and I haven't been able to get to sleep since then it's currently 6:23. I don't know when he's going to get up and read that but I'm scared.

Remember when we were on the phone the other day and you said something along the lines of "what you figured out you're in love with me and you want me to take you to the dance?" Blah blah blah. Yeah, well keep that in mind.

Literally this whole week I've been adding to this letter/text(?) and it's finally finished. I spent countless nights debating on if I should send this to you since you might be in a whole ass relationship soon or what not. Maybe you already are. Who knows. Also saying ass in a letter like this isn't really the best option, but it's currently 1:00 in the morning so I'm not thinking straight.

To be honest when I walked into the biology classroom on the first day of school I felt really nervous. Then my dumbass had to pick the same symbol as you and we got to sit at the same table. Yay!? Not.

Everything was fine the first couple days, but then I walked in again and this time Rita sat in my seat so I had no other options and had to sit next to you. (Not that I'm complaining now or anything) At the time I thought it was a bad thing, but honestly I've liked it up until about a week ago. (Also there were like, two other options, but I chose to sit next to you)

Not sure why or how... but my feelings for my crush of like three years completely stopped and I found myself looking forward to going to biology just to see you. Cliché right? Here's where it gets fucked up or interesting or whatever... every night for the past week (minus the days I would talk with you on the phone) I cried me eyes out cursing myself. Because I knew exactly what I was feeling. I knew where this would go.

That is until my dumbass decided to help you out with your crush because I wanted to make you happy. Now I have to watch you sit and flirt with her while I'm cursing myself (again) for breaking up with you. That didn't matter though, one of us would've done it anyway. Our relationship was literally so toxic, but also that was my first-last relationship that I could be myself in. Also it just felt so real. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.

Or maybe I'm just that pathetic and go for the weird guys, after you. Who knows. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I like you. Took me a whole 425 words to say it. (Yes I counted)

I can't sleep, I can't eat (less than I already do) I can't even sit in my math class knowing you're right around the corner in whatever class you're in by the bathroom. (Why the hell am I talking about the bathroom in a confession letter. I need some lessons) I just want to get up out of my seat and touch your shoulder or something. My hands start to shake and my leg bounces. I get antsy when the bell rings for lunch because I know after lunch I'll get to sit next to you and talk with you. Fuck my life actually.

I can't even write this letter without wanting to throw up and scream at the same time. You've probably never even seen this much words at a time. (Sorry couldn't go a minute without insulting you)

And I know that my best friend strongly dislikes you. (Hunter) but I would tell him that I liked you if it came down to that. Not sure how this bit is important, but I'm adding it.

When you're done reading this, don't send this out to anyone. Please. I know you don't like me like that and I won't get in the way of you and the girl you like now, hell I'll even stop talking to you, but I couldn't go another week or even day without telling you because it's actually been eating me up.

(Yes I sent you this at like 1:35 in the morning because I knew you wouldn't be up)

Alright peace ✌️

Yes I'm an idiot I actually wrote peace at the end of my confession letter. For some reason this letter is so funny to me.

Background information me and him dated in like the middle school and after a break up we've had some issues. We dated in six grade and we're currently in 10th grade... literally I'm supposed to hate him but for some reason this year my science teacher thought it would be a good idea to randomize the seating charts. We picked the same symbol and we got to set the same table. Dude this boy literally stole my girlfriend last year. Why the hell do I have a crush on him.

Guys if you have any tips like please help me because I am scared. I literally can't do it. Also don't fucking make fun of me in the comments please 😭 💀.

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