2| Sleepover

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Finney followed Robin upstairs to Robin's small bedroom. It was currently 7:30 on a Saturday and Finney had nothing better to do. His bedroom was littered with posters of his favorite bands and movies. He also noticed that Robin had drew a very clear drawing of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

"I like your room." Finney complimented setting his bag down in the corner.

"Thanks. There's not really much going on." Robin answered sitting down on his bed. "So what do you want to do first?"

"Do you want to watch movies?" Finney asked. Robin nodded and sat on his bed.

"Come on." Robin said patting the seat next to him. He turned on his small television and Finney sat next to him. Robin then began searching the channels for a good movie. "Wanna watch Jaws?"

"Sure. I've never seen it? Is it scary?" Finney asked. Robin gave him a sickening grin.

"A bit. That's alright I'll protect you if you get scared pretty boy." Robin teased. Finney knew Robin was just teasing, but a blush still made it's way onto his face.

The movie started and for about twenty minutes the boys sat watching it. Small conversations happened here and there, but mostly they were just watching the movie. Finney was also scared. He had never seen a movie this graphic on his life.

"Why is this movie so horrifyingly graphic?" Finney said shuttering. Robin looked over at him and shrugged.

"Just wait until you see the Texas Chainsaw Massacre." Robin smiled nudging Finney's shoulder. Finney yawned and leaned onto Robin a bit.

Now you see Robin was a complicated boy. He was pretty good looking so it was only natural that some girls wanted to be with him and he did try to fulfill their needs. He even had a girlfriend for about four weeks before they called it quits. Robin didn't seem to like boys either, but for some reason Finney was the only person Robin truly had a crush on. It's not like he got hard by looking at naked men, but if he saw Finney naked that would be a whole other story.

He tried and tried to get his feelings to go away because as you know, homophobic people were around every corner. It's not like he liked men or anything, just Finney. Adults wouldn't see it as that though. A boy was a boy.

Robin blushed and tensed up when Finney leaned on his shoulder. Soon another graphic scene came on the television and Finney clung to his arm like a leach.

"Scared?" Robin whispered. Finney looked up at him, their faces inches apart and nodded. Robin smiled and laid down pulling Finney with him.

Now it was Finney's turn to blush uncontrollably. Here he was laying on his crushes chest.

Finney found out he had a crush on Robin the first time Robin stood up for him. Finney has getting beat by Matty and his other buffoon friends. He was getting beat one minute and the next minute he saw Robin beating the crap out of all three of them. Then he came over to check if Finney was okay and helped him up off the ground. That's when Finney knew he loved Robin Arellano.

"I'll protect you don't worry Finn." Robin whispered. Finney didn't dare to move so he just sat there on Robin's chest breathing in his scent. He smelt like ash, sweat and some cologne that he's never smelt before.

Once the movie was done Robin looked down at the boy on top of him. He has fallen asleep. Robin chuckled and moved a piece of hair from his eyes.

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