6| His Bandanna

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Robin Arellano could not find his bandanna to save his life. He's checked everywhere. His house, the classrooms, even the roads he takes to and from school everyday.

He was pissed. That was the only bandanna he had left because the last one vanished when The Grabber got him last year. Luckily he escaped along with his best friend Finney, but he was still mad.

"SON OF A BITCH!" He shouted punching the bathroom mirror. The boy that was in there quickly finished and left the bathroom without washing his hands.

Robin sighed and accepted that it was pointless, it was gone. Suddenly the door swung open and Gerald Higs rushed in.

"Robin! You have to come quick! It's Finney. He's getting beaten." Robin's heart stopped and followed Gerald out of the bathroom.

Finney got some respect for killing The Grabber last year, but soon people started bullying him again, but they were still scared of him, so whenever he did get bullied it was twice as many people. Robin tried to take care of him as best as he can, but he wasn't with him at all points of the day.

Robin followed Gerald and they caught Vance, Billy and Bruce on their way there. They ran out to the front of the school to see Finney getting kicked by five boys.

"You fucking bastards!" Vance yelled grabbing one of them and throwing them to the ground. He began repeatedly bashing his head in the concrete. Bruce got on top of one and punched his face until he bled out screaming for him to stop.

Billy started beating one of them with his now rock filled backpack. Robin grabbed the one that was kicking Finney's face and beat him to a pulp. Soon all five boys were down on the ground. The group rubbed their hands together and the crowd that was around them started whispering.

Robin rolled his eyes at the foolishness and went to go help Finney up. That's when he noticed the bandanna that was tied around Finney's thigh. Finnney decided to wear short shorts so the brown color of the fabric contrasted well with the skin.

"Robin." Finney weakly made out before slumping his head against the ground. Robin quickly picked up the unconscious boy and began carrying him to Vance's pick up truck. The group followed shortly behind. Griffin Stag was waiting by the car and when he saw Finney he opened the doors for them all to easily get in. Vance and Bruce in the front and the rest in the back of the truck.

They drove off towards Billy's house because it was the biggest one, plus his parents were on a trip anyway.

When they got there they rushed Finney in and began bandaging and healing him of his wounds.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Griffin asked. He was the youngest out of the group so he was always worried when one of them got beat up. Not that it happened often. With Robin and Vance as friends barley anyone messed with them.

"He'll be okay Griff. Go in the other room and watch some TV." Vance said. He always had a soft spot for the younger boy. He was the one that took care of Griffin when they were kidnapped. He didn't let The Grabber anywhere near Grffin.

"Okay." Griffin mumbled walking into the other room.

It was about an hour later before they were done healing Finney. The boys went into the kitchen to get a snack, but Robin stayed right by Finney's side, holding his hand.

Robin's eyes glanced down at Finney's exposed thigh that had his bandanna wrapped around it. Finney's had it this whole time. He smiled and fingered the material then his hand brushed against his thigh. He felt Finney stir.

He looked up to meet his eyes as he opened them.

"Finney!" Robin said caressing his cheek. Finney smiled weakly.

"Robin." He sighed nudging his face in Robin's hand. Robin then moved his hand to stroke the boys hair.

"I was so worried about you." Robin whispered putting his face in Finney's chest. The smell of blood, sweat and grass filled his lungs.

"Don't be. I'm okay." Finney tried to reassure him.

"Don't say that. We both know that you are definitely not okay. Why didn't you run to me Finney! I would've protected you." Robin scolded.

"I didn't want you to worry." Finney said.

"I am worried. More worried than I would be if you came running to me and don't think I haven't noticed my bandanna around your thigh."

"About that...." Finney trailed off.

"Where did you get it?" Robin asked.

"I took it from your house the last time the group was over there." Finney confessed. Robin looked at him.


"You'll hate me." Robin could tell that Finney was nervous.

"No I won't. I could never hate you Finney." He brushed his hand through Finney's hair again.

"I took it because it smelt like you." Finney said. Robin's breath caught in his throat. He wanted to smell him? Why? And then it hit him. He took something of his because he wanted to smell it and he said that he'd hate him if he told him. Robin smirked and looked back at the boy.

"Why would you need to smell me Finney?" Robin teased. Finney blushed and looked away from him.

"You just... you're home to me Robin. Sometimes at night when I can't fall asleep I imagine you laying next to me and it comforts me enough for me to fall asleep. I can't go a day without seeing you and if I do I get in a bad mood. I can't even go a minute without thinking about you Robin. I just want you to hug me, tell me everything will be alright. I want you to kiss me as we watch movies together. I just need you." Now Robin wasn't expecting Finney to say all that, but he knew a confession was coming. It still shocked him though. A blush formed it's way onto his cheeks and he looked away from Finney for a moment.

Finney looked down at his stomach and felt about growing in it. Robin was going to say no wasn't he? Why hasn't he said anything?

"Rob-" Robin cut Finney off by kissing him. Finney couldn't move because of his pain so Robin just continued to kiss him for a little bit. A whistle sounded out through the room and Robin pulled away from Finney.

Vance, Bruce and Billy were standing in the doorway smirking. Robin flipped them off and Finney giggled.

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