4| The Boy Who Drinks Coffee

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Mafia Robin x Bookworm Finney

The Coffee Shop is run by Robin
It's a normal coffee shop, but below it is where Robin and his people do their thing

Set 2022

Robin: 24 Finney: 23

Finney walked into his favorite coffee shop being happy as ever. He just got promoted at his job and he deserved to celebrate.

The shop was busier than usual, but Finney didn't mind. His favorite corner booth was open. He made his way over and sat down opening his laptop. He pulled up his book he had been writing. He was almost done with it which was pretty exciting for him, but he still had to figure out a way to end it.

As Finney was thinking about it he heard the door slam open and in walked a very tall pale faced man. His hair was whiter than snow and he stomped towards the counter.

"Where is the boss. I need to see him." He the man said. The lady behind the counter looked at him before leaning forwards and whispering something in his ear. His eyes widened and looked around. "My apologies I think I got the wrong place."

With that he turned around and walked out the door. Finney was confused, but curious. He got up and packed his stuff quickly without saying a word. He located the man on the side of the road. Instead of calling a cab the white haired man looked around before turning and walking down an alleyway.

Finney smirked and followed him feeling his adrenaline spike. He's done dare devil stuff before, but this was a new feeling. A new rush. He didn't know if he was in any danger or not following this man down a creepy alleyway.

Eventually the man stopped and knocked on a side door. Finney hid behind a trash can when he looked up again. The man knocked again but in a specific way. It was almost like a secret knock. Then the door opened and the man walked in. The door close again without a second to waste.

Finney was kind of disappointed for the lack of action today but at least he got something out of it. The secret knock wasn't that complicated. Finney had it carved in his brain before you could say coffee and chips.

He decided to come back tomorrow, well prepared, and ready to see what that room was.


Finney stayed up the whole night thinking about it. What was that guy doing? Why did he look so suspicious, so secretive and why the hell did that room need a secret knock to get into? All these questions have Finneys brain going and going and going until the morning.

The minute the sun rose Finney got up and got in the shower. He made sure to clean himself real good. Morning showers always made him feel confident and today he was going to need it if he was going to have the balls to go into that room.

He settled a long turtle next shirt with dress pants in a cool looking belt. He put in small hoop earrings and put a little bit of mascara on. It wasn't enough to be noticeable but it was enough to make his eyes look bigger and prettier. That's what he wanted anyway just in case he met a tall handsome stranger.

He laughed himself. Like that was ever going to happen. He's met gay guys in the city before but none of them were his type. I mean how many gay people were there in Charleston South Carolina? Okay maybe there were a lot but he couldn't tell who they were and if he could that meant they were used to getting their affections not receiving them, which was totally not in Finney's radar.

Finney then made his way to his favorite coffee shop. He packed a switch knife for protection but he didn't think he needed it.

He got himself a small donut and a coffee and sat himself down in his favorite booth. He ate in silence contemplating on whether he should actually do what he was thinking about doing. I mean it was crazy what if that guy was like a mass murder or something. There have been a few murders in the area. Not a lot though. It wasn't enough for people to get worried over it was just casual murders that happened every day.

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