3| He's Behind The Wall

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"If you weren't going to feed me why'd you even come down here?" Finney asked The Grabber as he walked out the door.

"I just wanted to look at you." The Grabber answered as he stood in the doorway. Finney looked at him like he's grown two heads.

"I just wanted to look at you." He said again but this time he looked like he was about to cry. Then he turned and left the basement locking the door as he went.

Finney leaned back and looked as if he was about to cry. Why him? Why anyone? What did these kids like him do to deserve this. He was about to go back to sleep when he heard a faint whistling. He thought it was The Grabber at first, but it sounded like it was coming from the wall behind him.

"Hello?" He asked loudly. He turned to the wall. He placed his ear on the rustic wall. The whistling countined just a little louder. "Hey!"

"HELLO!" He screamed. The whistling stopped and a faint voice sounded back.

"Hello! I'm in another room in the basement. Please help!" He recognized the voice, but he couldn't make it out because the wall was changing the pitch a bit.

"I can't help you. I'm sorry! I'm stuck in another room too." Finney answered back. "I'm Finney Blake what's your name?"

"Finney? Oh god Finney he got you too!" Finney's heart stopped. He knew where he knew that voice from.

"ROBIN!" He yelled.

"Yes Finney I'm here!" Robin yelled back. Finney smiled and thanked the lords that Robin was alive.

"I'm glad you're alive Robin!" Finney shouted. On the other side of the wall Robin was tied to a post that went all the way up to the ceiling. The room was smaller than the room Finney was in but he did have a freezer in the room. He couldn't see it though because it rounded the corner.

"Finney I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry he got you too." Robin felt guilty. He wanted to badly to protect Finney from the horrors of the world. He didn't think Finney was weak because he knew exactly how to take a punch, but he never threw one. Robin wanted to just hold Finney until his pain went away.

"It's okay Robin. It really is. I'm so glad you're alive. I promise I'll get us out of here." Robin liked Finney's confidence, but The Grabber was smart. Robin had already tried everything.

"Finney if I don't get out alive I just want to tell you something." Robin knew that The Grabber was mad at him. It was only a matter of time before he was dead.

"Don't say that Robin! You're getting out of here with me. We'll get out together!"

"Finney stop! Please let me tell you this!" Robin shouted back. Finney's room went quite and Robin continued. "I love you! I've always have! I love you! I love you!" Robin yelled.

On the other side of the wall Finney smiled and started tearing up. He smiled and placed his hand on the wall.

"I love you too!" He yelled back. Robin smiled and leaned against the wall putting his hand on the wall too. The boys didn't know it, but the only thing keeping their hands from intertwining was the thick basement walls of their captor's basement.

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