8| Water

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Mentions of Sexual Assault. GRAPHIC!! WARNING
The group was all sitting in the back of Bruce's lawn. They were all hanging out in lawn chairs by his pool that he had. Bruce was the one that had the nicest house out of all of them so it was a given that they would be here on a summer day.

Robin hated taking his shirt off. Not because he hated his body, well he did hate body, but it wasn't in the way that most of you were thinking.

Memories of what The Grabber did to him when he was in that basement for about a week came back to him every time he took of his clothes.

"You're so pretty. My good pretty boy." The grabber whispered in Robin's ear. Robin desperately tried to get The Grabber off of him.

"Stop please. I'll do anything." Robin pleaded. He felt The Grabber's hands slowly going up his shirt.

"You already know what I want."

Robin felt that if he hadn't got into fights as much and he hadn't worked out as much. The grabber wouldn't have touched him. It was stupid I know, but he didn't want the boys to judge him or stare at his body. He rubbed his hands along his arms.

"Come on Robin it's 108 degrees out you can take your shirt off." Vance said. Robin looked over at Vance. He had a similar body type to his, glistening sweaty abs showing off proudly in the sun. Robin envied him for having so much confidence that he could just be care free like that.

"No I'm good. You guys can go ahead though." Robin said looking down at his feet.

"Suit yourself." Vance mumbled. Just then Finney Blake came skipping out of the house. He was late to the gathering per usual, but it wasn't anything important so nobody minded.

"Hey Finney!" Bruce greeted. Finney smiled and waved and continued skipping until he got to Robin's chair side.

"Hey Rob!" Finney greeted. Robin looked up at the boy. He smiled at how beautiful Finney looked. He always looked good even if he was the only one in the world that think so.

"Hey Finn." Finney smiles down at Robin. Then he took his shirt off and quickly sat down by the water's edge.

"Robin you're not coming in the water?" Finney asked turning back towards Robin. He had his feet in the water feeling how warm it was.

"I'll go in later." If Robin waited long enough, Vance wouldn't bug him about taking off his shirt while he was in the water.

"Okay." With that Finney slid his body into the pool. Griffin took this chance to do a cannibal in the water yelling, Cowabunga!

"Vance come in with me! It's fun." Griffin was the youngest son of the group and frankly she was still in middle school by the time the group got to the high school. Sometimes they forget he was that young though.

"Alright buddy." Vance said getting up out of his chair and jumped into the pool as well. They rough housed for a little bit before Vance called everybody to get into the pool. Robin didn't budge and thankfully neither did Billy.

"I am not going into that water right now it is too cold." Billy said. Vance looked up at him like he grew three heads.

"Excuse you what did you just say? It's hot as balls out and you're not getting in the pool? What's wrong with you people." Vance complained. His curly blonde hair, now wet, draped over his shoulders. Then Griffin jumped on his back screaming.


"Alright Finney get on Bruce's back. Let's do this. You are going down!" Finny smirked at Vance's order and Bruce knelt down underwater so he could get on him.

It was about an hour before everyone got out of the pool to reapply sunscreen and eat some snacks. Finney raced into the house to get water bottles for everybody because he didn't want anyone to go and get heat stroke.

When he came back out he handed the water bottles to everybody. They thanked him.

"Thanks Finn." Bruce said.

"Yeah I need this. I'm not about to go get heat stroke in be in the hospital for the rest of my life." Billy said leaning back on his chair. Finney then open the water bottle for Robin and tried to hand it to him.

But before he could he tripped on the edge of the table that was sitting in between Robin's chair and Vance's chair. He spilled all of the water on Robin's T-shirt.

"Oh shoot sorry Robin! I didn't mean to! Are you okay?!" Finney panicked. It didn't go unnoticed to him that Robin didn't want to get wet because he didn't go in the pool with everyone else. He also didn't give an excuse to why he wasn't.

"If you really wanted my shirt off that badly Finney you could've just asked." Robin said smirking. All of his nervousness was gone because he had watched the boys wear no shirts for at least an hour and a half. He knew that they wouldn't judge him here.

"What- No- I- Robin that's not-" Finney sputtered turning bright red in the face as Robin finally took his shirt off. Finney was actually so nervous that he backed away from Robin still red and then falling into the pool like some klutz.

The boys laughed at their friends and Robin smirked as Finney emerged from the water.

"THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" Finney screeched. He covered his face with his hands. What another good day.

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