5| The Boy Who Drinks Coffee P2

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Top Robin Bottom Finney

Robin: 24 Finney: 23

Mafia Robin x bookworm Finney

This is literally the first smut fic I've ever wrote so bare with me please 😭

Finney's heart stopped in his chest when he heard those words come out of the man in front of him. What the hell did he just say?

"W-what?!" Finney screeched. The man in front of him didn't faze. He was still wearing the shit eating grin that should be wiped off of his face for getting those types of ideas.

"I said. The only way I'm going to let you go is if I fuck you until tomorrow light." Robin said leaning closer to Finney. Finney jumped and his face became redder than a cherry.

"B-but I'm just a kid. I'm to young for this." Finney squeaked out. Robin stared at the younger man in front of him. He was amused by this this behavior.

"Well fine then I mean if you don't want to I won't force you." Robin said. Finney let a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Thank y-"

"That is if you want to spend a few more days here until I run a background check on you and see if you're dangerous or not, but it's up to you." Finney was left speechless. Of course he wanted this tall handsome guy to fuck him right now, but that wasn't the point. The point was Finney was a virgin. No man had ever wanted to sleep with him in his life before. He honestly didn't think he was that good enough looking.

But here this man was gaslighting him into sleeping with him. I mean Finney was flattered there is no doubt about that. It's just that he would be humbled real quick if he slept with this guy. This man looks like he slept with about 300 people. Men and women. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing in Finney's eyes but he knew he would be embarrassed while doing it.

"Are you really trying to blackmail me into sleeping with you?" Finney asked. Robin smiled.

"Maybe. I mean I know a good looking guy when I see one even better if he's gay. Which you are I can see it in your eyes. Plus I bet you've never had a boyfriend before." Finney scoffed. The man in front of him thinks he had him all figured out.

"That's a bit rude. I'll have you know that I've had a boyfriend... in the fifth grade." Robin laughed and smirked.

"See that just proves it. I'll make you another deal." Finney looked up at him and cocked his head.

"What is it?"

"I get 30 minutes to get you to sleep with me. If I don't succeed then you're free to go but if I do you can choose what you would want to do with me. I can take you on a date, or I can let you go no strings attached." Robin was good at negotiating. He knew the smaller boy in front of him would say yes on this deal, he would have to.

"Okay." Too easy.

"Alright some rules." Robin began only to be cut off.

"RULES! You got rules! What do you plan on doing to me you sicko!" Finney yelled.

"Relajarse pretty boy. I'm not going to do anything that you won't like. Wait no! Sorry that made me sound like a sicko. Please I know you'll like it. I'll be gentle." At this last part he touched Finney's face. It was soft, so very soft.

"Okay, g-go over the rules." Finney had a hard time trying to find the words because he was being touched.

"Well firstly you have to tell me if I'm hurting you or not because I don't want to hurt a pretty boy like you. Secondly if you are uncomfortable in any way shape or form tell me and I'll stop. Lastly you have to scream my name as loud as you can." Finney blushed and nodded.

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