10| The Boy Who Likes To Drink Coffee Part 3

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Robin smirked then lowered himself onto Finney's body. He began stroking the underwear line and it made Finney twitch. Arousal shot through him like lightening and he was hard within a few seconds.

"How the hell are you so good?" Finney asked. Robin looked up at him and smirked.


"Gross." Robin frowned and then began sliding Finney's underwear off very slowly. It was torture to the smaller boy underneath him.

"Gross huh? I wonder if you know exactly how gross it is." Robin smiled once Finney's dick appeared. Then very slowly he started stroking that. Finney lurched forwards and grabbed Robin's hair.

"Holy Jesus." Finney gasped trying to contain his moans.

"Don't grab my hair like that Finn. I'll have to punish you." Finney briefly thought Aren't you already punishing me? But he decided to stay quite. Plus he didn't really think much of it because he started moaning loudly. Robin's mouth was now on his dick licking it up and down. Then without warning he stopped and pushed Finney down onto the bed, pinning him.

"Wha- what are you?" Finney questioned but was cut short when Robin kissed him again. Finney didn't think much of it, that is until he fled two things poking at his ass. He gasped. "Robin I-"

"I'll be gentle until you get comfortable love." Robin whispered. Then he retracted his hand and put it to Finney's mouth. "Suck for me."

Finney did and took both the fingers into his mouth. He tried his best to make them as wet and slicked up as possible. He wasn't an idiot. Mafia x reader stories gave him a little knowledge even if it wasn't true.

"Are you ready?" Robin suddenly asked. It wasn't in the way that he's been talking the whole time that Finney has been in his vicinity. He could tell that Robin actually cared even if it was just for the moment. He smiled and nodded.

The first thing he felt when Robin pushed the first finger in was nothing. There was a little pain, but it wasn't enough to get him screaming, but as Robin started to move Finney began feeling pain, but also something else. He started to feel good. So this is why people love sex so much.

"Are you alright" Robin asked when Finney let out a loud moan. Finney nodded and urged him to continue. Robin then added another finger and this when when it really started feeling good.

"Robin..." Finney moaned weakly. Robin looked at him, eyes wide. For some reason he always had a thing for people screaming his name but this was new. When Finney just quietly said his name his heart pounded and a blush appeared on his face. His moves almost faltered but luckily he was good at this and he was able to keep his composure.

Then he moved himself in a way that Finney could tell that he was about to fuck the ever living shit out of him.

"You ready?" Robin asked. Finney nodded unsure, but he was ready. Robin slowly put it in and waited there for a second. Finney was on high alert. All his senses were peaked. He could feel everything about Robin. He moaned when Robin started to move.

"Oh god Finney you're so gorgeous." Robin complimented speeding up, not caring if it hurt Finney. It didn't. Finney just started moaning louder.

"Thank you Robin." Finney said.

Robin smiled as he said, "look at you? Using your manners how fucking sexy can you get? Are you sure you haven't done this before?"

Finney shook his head and looked into Robin's eyes. As they stared into each others Robin cut the sudden urge to want to protect Finney forever. He jerked his hips harder into Finney.

"Robin.." Finney dragged moaning. Sweat was pouring down his neck as he was being fucked. Robin then set at a pace that would usually tell his lovers that they were about to get slammed into hard, but Finney didn't catch on considering he was a virgin.

When he did in fact started slamming into him Finney started screaming. Finney wrapped his arms around Robin's neck and buried his face in it trying to muffle his cries, but it was no use.

"Robin!" Finney screamed and Robin smirked. There it was. It seemed like Robin only got faster with his thrusts in the next ten minutes after that. Robin was getting close he could feel it, but he wanted Finney to come first.

"Robin what is-" Finney asked placing his hand on his stomach. He could feel Robin piercing into him as a slight pressure was building up.

"Let it go Finney." Robin whispered. Finney sighed and finally let go. His eyes rolled back into his head and he arched up letting out one last moan. Robin thought it was the most beautiful thing he's heard on the planet.

After Finney came Robin did a few Moret thrusts as well until he did too right inside of Finney. He flopped down on the bed feeling more tired than he's ever been after being with someone.

"That was.." Robin started before Finney cut him off.


Sorry this is short I really don't know how to write smut.

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