Chapter 17

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It's been 2 days since my mum brought the puppy home and we introduced Aries to the horses and other farm animals my mum and dad have which isn't loads but it's enough to help make money also.

We have cows, goats, sheep, chickens you name it and we sell there produce to anyone who drops by, basically we are a farm business, my dad cut back his hours after his heart attack, he was working so much as a DIY Builder, he even built this very house and farm for my mum.

My mum has always loved animals that's why she's a vet, she wants to protect all life even humans. My dad loves my mums passion and built this farm and house for her so she could follow her dreams and also have a family together.

My dad's passion has always been to build, make and design stuff even just for fun, he loved making stuff for us when we were kids and then when I had Maisie he built her a crib and even built wooden toys like a rocking horse and if I'm right it's still in the spare bedroom we use as storage now.

Unfortunately since his heart attack he's had to cut back the hours of his job and not do as much heavy lifting and to fill in his gaps he works on the farm to help mum while she's looking after sick or injured animals, he doesn't do any heavy lifting, he just cleans the animals, brushes them, feeds them and the usual stuff.

Maisie has always loved animals too, she gets it from my mum but she obviously wants to be a horse rider when she's older but I reckon that will change the more she grows up. Jake has always wanted to be in the army, we would see soldiers walking around town and he would always stop, talk to them if they would talk back or just stare at them with an amazed look in his eyes.

Tara always wanted to help people like my mum wanting to help animals but Tara always said she wanted to help and look after people but she didn't have it in her to do the actual operation side of things because she knew if she lost someone she wouldn't be able to cope and would feel guilty.

Tatiana loves to cook, always has since she was a toddler, she would always want to help mum when she cooked, she wants to become a chef but until recently I haven't seen her much because I was in Brooklyn and she was here with mum and dad.

I've probably mention this all before and just going over it again but my family just got me thinking about Aries family, we've known each other for like 7 months now and been dating officially for a month today and I've only met his sister.

He's met all my family even my twin sister I never knew I had and I haven't met his yet, I'm not complaining I'm just wondering what they look like, how they speak, how they react around each other, how they look and if Aries looks like them, I don't know whether I'm making much sense.

But I've got nothing better to do other than think while I'm slowly walking back from my morning run around our farm estate, every morning I go for a run, normally I try to do it before Maisie gets up but after being drugged 5 days ago I'm struggling to get out of bed.

Actually I'm struggling to do pretty much anything at the moment, I thought I was getting better but I'm still really lethargic so I might try and book an appointment with the doctor later today if they have spaces available.

I can definitely rule out pregnancy because me and Aries haven't even had sëx yet, it's not that I don't want to because I do but I'm just scared I won't live up to his expectation as he's been with a lot of women plus my body is scarred but I also get the vibe he doesn't really want to either and I'm not sure why.

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