Chapter one

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Eddie shot up from his sleep, his breathing heavy and eyes wide "What the fuck was that?" He looks around at his surroundings "I don't know but you kept saying something about Kas.." your brows knit in confusion, never having heard that name before outside of Eddie playing D&D.

"And I swear.. I heard the clock," you say quietly, fiddling with the blanket "The clock?" Eddie's face is puzzled "Vecnas clock.." you trail off quietly as if it's a cursed name and saying it too many times will make him appear.

"Oh my god, Eddie.." you notice blood dripping down his face "Your nose," you point as he uses the back of his hand to wipe at his face "That's never happened before," he mumbles, looking at the blood on his hand. 

Eddie rushes out of bed and to the bathroom to dry his nose, tilting his head back as he keeps a piece of paper towel pressed against it. You follow him into the bathroom, he tilts his head forward and it's like a river of blood pouring out of his nose and into the sink.

"Jesus Christ," you say in shock, the sink filling more and more as Eddie squeezes his eyes shut tightly, grabbing at his head as he groans in pain. He lets out a pain filled moan as he sways side to side,  falling to the ground.. body limp. Completely out.

You rush to his side, trying to wake him up with no response. You fly to the kitchen, grabbing the phone and calling for an ambulance.

Going back to him as he's still passed out, the blood from his nose now collecting in a puddle on the floor. Hearing faint whispers from Eddie's lips.


"It's time Kas."

Just like when he was sleeping, whatever it meant.. you knew it wasn't good.

You ride in the back of the ambulance with Eddie whose in and out of consciousness, though it doesn't seem like it's Eddie.. but something or someone else speaking through them.

The paramedics are listing off a multitude of things that it could be, none of them sounding good in the slightest. A stroke, an aneurism, a tumour..

To you though, this seemed other worldly.

Eddie lay in the hospital bed, having had multiple tests run on him and awaiting the results. The doctors were able to stop his nose from bleeding but were now worried about blood loss,

This seemed like it was out of no where, sure Eddie still had nightmares but it was on very rare occasion lately. Now this, out of no where? Plus a nosebleed so bad he lost consciousness? There's no way that was a coincidence.

Kas.. who is Kas. Maybe Eddie's brain was using one of the D&D characters names instead of Vecnas. That made some sense, didn't it? Well that was the only reasoning you could come up with.

"Hey, we came as soon as we heard." You hear Robins voice break you from thought, seating beside Eddie's bed side as he is still out.

Looking over to see Robin, Steve and Dustin enter the room.. so grateful they were there. The three of them come to your side, giving a group hug as you break down

"I don't know what happened, he just kept saying something about Kas when he was sleeping.. I swear I heard Vecnas.. Henry's clock.." your eyes dart back and forth, trying to make sense of it all but it all coming out jumbled.

"Can I uh.. talk to you for a minute?" Steve motions his head to the hallway, you give a slow nod before standing up "Come get me, if he wakes up." You tell Dustin and Robin "Of course," Dustin smiles.

"You see the thing is.. well.." Steve is off to a nervous start, scratching his chin in thought "This may not be THAT out of left field," he looks at you apologetically as your eyes narrow "What do you mean?" You ask, crossing your arms.

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