This another sick joke

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YN: 25
EVAN: 10

It's been 10 years since I started worked at Fredbear Diner with my friend Henry Emily and his Friend William Afton Henry has been friend since we was kids and William... he's my friend too but he gives me the creeps none stops asks me out for dates and all that mushy shit.
I was fixing spring bonnie head the restaurant was closed and I thought i was only one in till everything went dark I gasp "Guess who~" a British voice spoke "Let me guess mhm William?" The voice chuckled taking his hands off my eyes looking at him "Correct~" he stepped back doing a little spin showing off his new uniform the moon light lights up the room I giggled "you look good William but please go away I need to fix spring bonnie before the birthday party tomorrow" "YN darling your eyes are like diamonds in the moon light" I giggled at his joke "good one will" turning my head away from him but I could still feel his eyes burning at the back of my head "YN?" "Yes William" I turn to look at him again 'was he blushing!?' Will steps closer to me to a point he was in-between my legs his lips a inch away from mine I blushed hard "W-william? Are yo-u ok yyyyour creeping me out" he stay silent looks into my eyes "Wow~ your eye are like Diamond's~ hehe~" my heart was going crazy I blush "oh..thank you will" but then I realised it was a joke "thank you for the joke...Good one" I put Spring bonnie head back on and got my stuff walking out of the restaurant "YN WAIT!" "Will please leave me alone I don't want to do your pranks no more" I unlocked my car opening it but William slammed it shut "YN please listen to me am not playing some sick joke on you~ I like you like Really like you will you just go on one date with me and if you don't think we aren't good together then I'll leave you alone" I stare into his ocean Blue eyes my heart skip a beat 'Am I falling in love with will' I was cut of thought "So what do you say?" I sighed smiling "Fine just one date but this best be no sick joke William cause my heart can't handle another joke" "No no it's not YN" he pulls me into a hug "Am never gonna hurt you or break your heart... I've waited 10 year for this moment" giggling at that part "to be honest I liked you too for a while but I choose not to saying anything incase" "incase I hurt you I know" I rolled my eyes looking at my watch "well I need to go home will long day tomorrow" William grabbed my shoulder "YN would you like to come mine tomorrow afternoon?" "No no I don't wanna be a burden to you and your kids" he laughed "Nonsense we will get a few snacks, have a glass of Wine, watch movie. The kids love you to see you" he and I laughed "Ok ok fine but I get to pick the movie" "okay I'll see you tomorrow then~" "see you tomorrow" I kissed his cheek he watched me drive off.

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