Look back before you leave

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William- 22
Before kids was born and William was seeing Carla behind your back.
(Sorry it's a long story)

"Maybe he's seeing someone else" my best friend Abby laughed "it's not funny Abby am worried, he's been really weird lately..maybe it's me." I looked outside of the coffee shop "Girl, don't get upset over a dumb boy" "he's not just a dumb boy! He's handsome man smart too and also a gentleman... he's also gonna be a wealthy businessman one day" I smiled thinking about my amazing partner "Oh please! Animatronics for a pizza place Haha! What's it's call again? Jeff bear"
"Freadbear! Fredbears family diner. And it will be success I know it" Abby rolled her eyes  "Only joking girl anyways I best be going George finishes school soon" I nodded standing up we left the coffee shop. I always wanted kids of my own since I was 16 but I guess me and will aren't ready "Say hello to George for me" she hugged me and kissed my cheek "I will.. don't worry about William he's a loyal man I know he loves you he tells me every time we all meet" we laughed saying are good byes. Driving to mine and William shared house was relaxing the music on low I thought about what Abby said "I know he loves you" smiling I couldn't wait to see william, parking the car I skipped to the front door opening it "Hello William Am home!" I didn't hear a response "he must be upstairs" walking up the stairs I hear music and mumbled voice thinking he left the tv on till I hear William laughed and giggle a woman's giggle.. my heart dropped "god please no..." I whispered reach our bedroom door "Oh William stop it!" The girl giggled this made me wanna be sick slowly opening the door I was a naked William on top of a beautiful Long red haired woman with Bright green eyes she was naked too. My heart broke "w..William?" The woman sees me standing in the door way and yelps covers herself with the covers and quickly got dressed William looks at me with anger and guilt "Yn!I.I.it's not w.what it looks like!" I shook my head and left I heard William shouting for me "Yn! please wait!" I ran down the stairs tears filled my eyes opening the door the leave but William quickly shut it "Yn please let me explain!" He holds on to my wrist softly "Get your filthy hands off me!" The woman left without another word leaving us to argue.Bitch. I was packing my bags "Yn please for fuck sake please Don't leave me..." I look up and saw he was hovering over me "You have 5 minutes to explain..." I zipped my bag "thank you..." he thanked me I sit on the chair in the room not even wanting to sit on the bed.. William sat on his knees infront of me "who is she?" I asked looking at him with disgust "her name is Carla she's someone I met at work..." "how long have you been seeing her?" He looks up at me shocked "8 months" my heart shattered "is that why you cancel all the dates we planned? And that's why you missed my birthday last week?" Tear fallen down my face he just nodded i shake my head "how could you.. after all we've been through... I sacrificed everything for you! My Fmaily! My friends! Even my dream job! Cause you  was scared I was gonna cheat.. Haha! And look who's the one cheating! pathetic..the last time you made love to me was 4 months ago and I never felt more love for you than I ever did..." William started to cry "YN please..can we fix this I already regret doing this to you..." Will Wraps his arms around my legs and rest his head in my lap "I hate seeing that your hurting! I promise there will be no more Her or sneaking around.. just Us me and you together side by side Forever.." he kissed my hand my heart warmed to the thought of this "No! I can't do it William not after I know it's been going on for 8 fucking months!" I stood up grabbed my bag but William hugged my waist "No! no no please YN I can't live with out you." He cried on me "please..." I pushed him off me "am sorry." I was about to walk away till I hear him say "YN don't go! I'll kill my self if you leave me!" He was now stood up I got a good look at what he was wearing gray sweat pants no shirt I looked at all the love bites on his Chest and neck I walked over to him place my hand on his face kissed his forehead  "I loved you since we was 13 William.. and I still do... but this is good bye" i walk away to my car hearing William shout threats and begging for me to stay he runs down the stairs I quickly got into my car tears streaming down my face i drove away from him and the house "Fuck!" I screamed.

*6 weeks later*

It's 3:00am in the morning and I was in the bathroom of my small studio apartment throwing up again this is the 4th time tonight! Cleaning my face I sat on the floor crying "William...I miss you.." I thought about William and was sick again..  "when was the last time I had my period?" I checked and I was SO late "No no no!" I pulled a pregnancy test out of the draw did what I needed to do and waited for 2 minutes.  BEEP BEEP
my watch beeped I flip the test over to see = " 6 months Pregnant." 6 Months pregnant! I was stood up And was shaking like a leaf walking out of the bathroom grabbed the phone and dilated William house phone number

ring ring..

"Hello?" I heard William raspy sleepy voice "W..Will it's me.." "YN! Hi are you ok why are you ringing me it's 3 in the morning are you ok? Are you hurt?" I laughed quietly "Am okish.. can you please come to mine I need to talk to you." He agreed straight away and I told him my address. "YN am here! Where are you?" "Bedroom..." he opens the door seeing me crying "YN darling! are you ok?" I smiled weakly and pointed to the test on the Bed, William looks at it and drops to the floor on his knee "your pregnant?" I nodded "Fuck!" He punched the wall I sat there not knowing what to do "have you thought about what your gonna do?" I shook my head no "there's not a lot I can do! I'm 6 months pregnant!" For the next 2 hours we talked about it and decided to keep the baby but at a certain age it will have to go live with William so I can get a job and make money so I can have my kid back. "But what about Carla? I know you two are seeing each other..."  He sighs "At the moment I don't give a fuck what she thinks she isn't carrying my baby! you are~ and I'll be there for you all the way me and you together." I smiled and rest my head in his shoulder "thank you William.." "Don't worry darling I'll be there for you~" 

*3 years later*

I had my baby boy it wasn't easy but worth it "I got it daddy!" "Yes Michael! That's my boy!" I watch William and Michael playing in the back garden/Yard of William house we wasn't together still but we are working on it for our baby boy sake "mommy! Come here!" Michael shouts me I walk over and Michael pulls me for a hug and he pulls William in for a hug too "I love you mommy and daddy!" "I love you too!" Me and will said together I look into his eyes and he looks into him "I love you YN~" smiling "I love you too William~" (Left-William middle Michael-Right-YN Pretend Michael is smiling)

I had my baby boy it wasn't easy but worth it "I got it daddy!" "Yes Michael! That's my boy!" I watch William and Michael playing in the back garden/Yard of William house we wasn't together still but we are working on it for our baby boy sake "mom...

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