Happy new year!!

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New Year's party at Henry's.

Rose- Henry wife.
D/N- daughter name
S/N- Son names

"YN are you ready?" I heard my name been called "Coming!" I checked out myself outfit one last time (Pick whatever outfit you'd like.)
before walking down stairs seeing William

"you look beautiful my love~"  William kissed my cheek making me blush "Thank you, you look handsome yourself tonight

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"you look beautiful my love~" William kissed my cheek making me blush "Thank you, you look handsome yourself tonight." "where are the kids?" I asked as William helps me out on my coat "In the Car waiting so let's hurry." Nodding we got into the car and on the way to Henry's new year party. We arrived to Henry Williams knocks on the door and Henry opens up "Heyy guys come on in the party has just started!" And the kids hugged Henry and runs in to play with the Henry's Kids and me and William walks on "William! my good old friend." He hugs William Obviously he was drunk Will hugs back as I step around them closing the door about to walk into the living room till I left a strong hand on my shoulder "YN... my dear sweet YN where are you going?" I turn to look at Henry he smiled sweetly "To the living room-" "No no no! Come here!" He hugs me tightly almost squeezing the life out of me I saw William chuckle watching "You are one of my closest friends and I know William loves you So I love you too!" He almost cried "Aww thank you Hen love you too." I kissed his cheek he blushed and smiled patting my head and walks away to Will "She's a keeper Willy.." he whispered but it was loud enough for the whole house to hear I blushed but also giggled. A few hours go by and Everyone had too much to drink except from Me I had 2 or 3 drinks I needed to drive William and the Kids home later tonight. I sat talking to Henry wife while D/N was playing with her Teddy bear in my lap "M-m..Michael!" I looked over at William HUGGING Michael he must be drunk "I-I..I love you a..son and I'm very... very very sorry how I treated you." Michael smiled and hugs his father back (Aww🥺) just then Elizabeth joined the hug and then D/N get off my lap to join the hug, jumping up William catching her laughing Pulling tall 3 of them in a tight hug picking all them up all 4 of them Laughed William kissed their Cheeks "Mummy's turn!" Elizabeth pointed at me making William Smirk putting down the kid's stumbling over to me handing me him hand I took it and he pulls me to my feet hugging my tightly I hugged back smiling "You must be drunk your not always this happy and clingy." I heard him chuckle "Oh shut up and kiss me~" he dips me and kissed my lips "Ewww!" All the kids said in sync making us pull away laughing "Hey! I want a kiss too!" Henry wraps his arms around us William burst out laughing "Henry you sly bastard! If you kiss YN I'll Kiss Rose but no lips." "What! You boys are crazy." Rose shakes her head Henry smiled and Kissed my Cheek and William Kissed back of Rose's hand "Aww henry you are the sweetest." I hug him which he gladly hugs back William walks over with arm around rose shoulder "Woah William trying to take my Wife" Henry laughs again "Looks like you've got my wife too Hen Hen." He point to Henry arm around my waist I didn't even realise. After another hour it was nearly time for Fireworks all the kids was outside running around playing part from D/N and Henry's Son they both fell asleep so I tucked them in to bed. I sat next to William around the Fire before Henry Set the radio to listen to music before fireworks One song starts to play

If I can dream- Elvis.

"Stand up my darling." William pulls me up and pulls me to the other side of the Yard and we danced to the song slowly occasionally spinning me pulling me back close whispering sweet nothingness like "You look absolutely beautiful tonight my love."  "I love you so much."  "your the best wife and mother to Our children."  I was stunned but smiled and kissed his lips. The song came to a end and the radio count down from 10 till the new year "Mum Dad Come stand with us!" Shouted Mikey we stand back over with the Rest and William picks Elizabeth up putter her on his shoulders while me and Michael hugged waiting I looked over at Henry to see him and his wife smiling Kissing each other while having Charlie on his shoulder and Rose holding Sammy (How sweet he deserves to be happy!)

 The song came to a end and the radio count down from 10 till the new year "Mum Dad Come stand with us!" Shouted Mikey we stand back over with the Rest and William picks Elizabeth up putter her on his shoulders while me and Michael hugged waiting ...

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The night sky was filled with different bright pretty colours And everyone Cheered i kissing top of Michael head smiling William pulls me to his side kissing my lips  "Any other advent full year and many more years to come." I giggled  "As long as I'm with you and the kids I'd be more than happy."  We kissed again as the fireworks burst into the sky

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