Michael Christmas

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Look how handsome he looks! 👆🏼
Anyways michael will be in his early 20s or late 20s whatever floats ya boat, you have a Son Gregory same Gregory from SB.

Gregory-10 (Looks exactly like
From SB.)
I woke up and so did Michael at the same time "Good morning my love and merry Christmas."  Michael kissed my lips and I kissed back  "good morning babe Merry Christmas to you too." We kissed again until- "Mom dad!" Gregory runs in the room and jumps on the bed making Michael fall out of Gregory and I laugh Michael groans "Gregory stop doing that!"  Mikey's British accent slips a little making me giggle "Babe stop been grumpy you already look and Sound like your father please don't act like him." I smirked while Mikey looks at me shaking his head chuckling.  "are you guys coming downstairs or what? Santa as come"  we heard our son shout from downstairs  we chuckled and walked down stairs hand in hand.  "Whoa A new bike Cool."  He open a new gift and it was Glamrock Freddy plushie and his eyes started to water. I hug Gregory tightly  "Oh sweetie I know, I know you miss him."  Michael goes down on his knees and hugs him  "Come on Son you know I'm trying my best to bring him back right?" He smiled and nods. After we All cuddled together watching Christmas movie Michael stands up and comes back "My love I have a gift for you."  He hands me a small box and I open it to see a Beautiful ring with a red rose in the middle

"  He hands me a small box and I open it to see a Beautiful ring with a red rose in the middle

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"Babe... what."   "look inside the ring."  I looked inside the ring and it's says "Love of my Life." (Like the song by Freddy Mercury.)  "Michael it's beautiful thank you so much!" He put the ring on me and I smiled Gregory pulls my hand down to look at the ring "Wow it's actually pretty nice going dad." I giggle and look back up at my husband "I just wish you told me we was doing gift I didn't get you anything."  Michael chuckled  "The best gift I could ever receive is having you as my wife and You giving him a Son you both are the best gift I could ever ask for."  She scoops us up and kissed mg lips then kissing Gregory forehead.  "Ewww gross!"

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