Merry Christmas

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Christmas with the boys! Unfortunately CC won't be in William Oneshot.
Elizabeth- 11

D/N- 9 (She has readers hair colour/skin colour and Williams Eyes.)
"Mummy Daddy!" "Wake up!" "Santa's been and he's left a lot of presents!" The three little devils jumped on Me and William I smiled open my eyes smiling as the kids "Merry Christmas My little devil!" I pull Michael, Elizabeth and D/N (Daughters name) in for a tight hug "Come on daddy wake up!" Elizabeth crawled over to William "Daddy please get up then we can open all our presents.." D/N jumps on him William just groans "5 more minutes..." the girls whined "Come on you 2 let's leave daddy in bed for 5." I picked up D/N and carried her out of the room Michael Elizabeth was already gone down the stairs and into the living room "Don't open them all your father want to watch you ops some too." I whispered yelled at the kids running downstairs. I sat and watched the kids open their presents Elizabeth and D/N got almost the exact same princess stuff but Michael got new Rock bands shirts and I also got him a guitar his eyes widened and looks at him I gave him a wink and he smiled jumping up hugging me I hug back. After about 10 minutes Elizabeth was showing what 'Santa' brought to her and I felt a small kiss on my cheek "Good morning Love." William smiled Sleepily wearing his PJ bottom no shirt and his purple dressing gown with his cup of tea he sits next to me placing his cup on the coffee table D/N come up and sits in his lap "Merry Christmas Daddy." He smiled and kissed her forehead "Merry Christmas Sweetheart." The kids continues opening the presents which caused into an argument "Elizabeth stop it's not yours!" Michael yells at him sister "I just wanna have a look pleaseeee." William has to stop the fight before things gets broken. After everything calms down William turns to him with a smirk and hands me a small F/C box with a white ribbon at the top "Merry Christmas Love I hope you like it, had it personally designed." I open it carefully to see a beautiful gold Bracelet with a Gold rabbit in the middle and next to the rabbit was another charm with the letter W.

"  I open it carefully to see a beautiful gold Bracelet with a Gold rabbit in the middle and next to the rabbit was another charm with the letter W

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"Oh William! This is beautiful thank so much." Kissing his lips he seemed pleased "I also have something for you too." Right on Que Michael passed me a black box with the name printed in gold 'Rolex.' William eyes widened "Me and to kids wanted to get you something we all knew you'd like" he opens it and inside was a was silver and purple watch "Merry Christmas Will."


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WILLIAM AFTON ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now