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"Ready?" William unzipped the small zip on the suit and his huge cock sprung out my eyes widen "MR Afton I don't think you'll fit!" I could feel his smirk "I'll make it fit Darling~" I smiled like a idiot. He lined himself up at lining himself at my Pussy. I Did want this but am still a virgin "YN darling your a virgin aren't you?" He chuckled as I nodded my head "Use your words darling~"  "Y..yes" i blushed and he lifted the mask a tiny bit up and kissed my lips Sparks set off in my stomach I DO WANT THIS. "I'll be gentle~" William slowly pushed his hard cock inside me I screamed the pain was strong enough to for tear to except my eyes but a furry hand wipes them away as soon as I got use his size William took his dick out and then slammed back into me "AHH!" Then he went slow Luckily nobody was in the restaurant to hear me scream. William thrusted his hips slowly kissing my neck "Mr Afton~" "YN...Fuck! baby girl~" he whimpered i have never hear William whimper I'd thought he'd be grunting and growling but turn out he has a soft side "Mr please go faster~" he did as I said moving faster inside me I was a moaning mess underneath him "Fuck..H.harder!" He chuckled going even harder making the metal table Shake and Squeak. Mine and his moans were in rhythm "Fuck! I love you~" I look up at him his words tickles my heart "I..I love you too~" I felt a knot in my stomach again "Mr gonna-" "I know... me too Honey~" Honey? He has never called me that it was 'dear' or 'Love'. His thrusts turn sloppy he was moaning like no tomorrow "Ah!~YN.. f.fuck ahh!" "Ahh mr Afton!" I cumed all over his dick and will released into me I felt his warm load already dripping out of me and onto the table. He pulls out of me panting like a dog "Wow~" I was still on the table now sitting up looking at William he took his mask off I look at him shocked "MICHAEL!" Michael chuckled "OMG YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" I shout picking my clothes off the floor and got dressed "Aww come on YN I know you loved it~" blushing I flipped him off walked out the room. *2 week later*
I was still avoiding Michael how could he! He knew I liked his dad so why did have to go and..R*pe? No! Wanted it and I liked it and he did ask he just didn't tell me it was him.. "Dear? Hello?" A voice snaps me out of thought looking up I saw "William! Anything you need?" I blushed he was so close but I soon remembered about me and Michael I feel guilty "Y..yeah I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner tonight?" He smiled and my heart was pounding inside me was screaming exited "Sure I'd love to" "Great I'll pick you up at 6?" "Sounds good see you then" I waved him bye little did I know Michael watch in the distance. And he was PISSED!

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