The wrong name

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The guest was crowding the church while I just stood outside smoking a cigarette dressed in my best dress for William And Clara Wedding.

My heart was aching  "Well Don't you look beautiful!" A familiar British voice Turing my heart around I saw William Dressed in his Purple suit And black tie "Thank you Will you look Handsome yourself

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My heart was aching "Well Don't you look beautiful!" A familiar British voice Turing my heart around I saw William Dressed in his Purple suit And black tie "Thank you Will you look Handsome yourself.." He smiled And dust hisself off "Who me?" He twirls around showing off I giggled "So Mr Afton-" "Oh please I'm not married yet YN how dare you" He chuckled and so did I admiring him 'God He looks so handsome' I thought to myself "Come on the Wedding will start soon I've saved you at spot at the front" 'Great' "Sure let's go get you married!" We both walks in together. Here I am sitting at the front of the church watching my best friend and Love of my Life is getting married to HER! "Clara. Please repeat after me. "I, Clara take you William to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part" the bride giggled and replied what the priest said she looks lovely into his eyes As william looks lovely into her eyes My eyes began to water Seeing him so in love with another but it looks like I was crying happy tears because everyone else was crying happy tears. "Now William you may say your vows" "I William take you YN-" My Eyes widen and so did William's eyes Everyone in the church gasped Thankfully I can't see Clara Face I made eye Contact with William both of us was Shocked 'Fuck I need to get tout of here' I stand up and leave the church quickly With a smile on my face. At the party Everyone was chatting Laughing and Having fun I sat by myself drinking away Still shocked William Said my name "Hey YN!" I turn around and saw Henry I stood up and hugs him and he hugs back "oh YN you must feel bad that William Said your name" I look at him "I'm supposed to feel bad?" Henry laughed and shook his head "Want a drink?" "oh my god yes please!" Me and Henry got a few shot down your Necks "There he is!" Henry shouts and I turn around to see a stressed out William His tie was Loosen a few buttons was buttoned down his dark brown hair was messy 'God he looks so sexy what no stop YN he's a married man now!' "Hey you guys!" Henry stands wobbly slightly and shook Williams hand And I stood up too and hugs him "Wow Your a married man now!" I chuckled "Yeah... well it's not so happy though" "Oh right yeah cause of you saying YN name at the Altar!" William Groans "Oh you Heard that?" Henry burst out laughing "The whole Church head you! 'I William take you YN'" I blushed and so did William "Yeah yeah it was a mistake..." He looks at Me for some Reason his words hurt me. As time goes by Clara Already left early but William stay with the rest of the guests the dance floor was going Crazy with the music I giggled has I watched Henry and William dance jumping around together Obviously they was Drunk but so was I but my heart was too much in pain to dance as I looked into my empty glass I heard a voice "Heyyy you~" I looked up to see Drunk william "What you doing sitting all by yourself~" I chuckled "Enjoying the free booze" William chuckled loudly "Fancy a Slow dance Darling?" "But there's no slow mus-" just then a slow song Plays and he holds his hand out for me to take "Mr Smooth" I take his hand and takes me to the dance floor he holds me close by my waist blushing I wrap my Arms around his Neck looking into his eyes "Darling let me just say you look stunning~" William Whispered in my ear making me hold him close 'Fuck I want him~ no wait this is the Alcohol talking' "Thank you Will.. you look handsome your self Darling~" I copied his accent he chuckled "Bloody hell. I am enjoying this dance so much~" he hold me. The song comes to a end and William dips me down down I look into his eyes and he leaned down closer so did I but stops  "I think we both had too much to drink.." I pull myself up "Yes I think you are correct..." I walk away and William Follows me outside. He called me a taxi back home "We'll congratulations William I'm happy for you."  "Thank you darling." My taxi arrives We hug and kissed his cheek my heart was warm "Thank you for coming YN I'll see you after my honeymoon" the taxi drives away as a single tear rolls down my face. "I love you..."

WILLIAM AFTON ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now