Just like a family

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YN: 25
EVAN: 10

After work I told William to pick me up at my house. I got dressed putting on light makeup looking at myself in the mirror I smiled happy on how I looked.   (pick one)

I heard a car beep it must be William smiling exited opening the door I saw will in a navy blue suit I started to drool

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I heard a car beep it must be William smiling exited opening the door I saw will in a navy blue suit I started to drool

I heard a car beep it must be William smiling exited opening the door I saw will in a navy blue suit I started to drool

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"Ah YN you look gorgeous Darling~" he kissed my hand "thank you. You look handsome yourself~" he chuckled thanked me and we was on are way to his house.  Stepping out the car we walking in Williams house I saw the 3 kids running around arguing fighting and what looks like a babysitter in her 50s trying to stop them fighting "Michael don't pull your sisters hair! Elizabeth don't screaming your making Evan Cry! Evan please stop crying.." William tap the babysitter shoulder "I'll handle this dear the money is on the table please enjoy rest of your day" the babysitter thanked William grabbed the money and ran out the house. "ALRIGHTY KIDS LISTEN UP!" Michael Elizabeth Evan stop what they was doing stands up in a line I giggled seeing how fast they listen to there father "Wow Daddy looks Handsome!" Lizzy looks at her father in awe "thank you sweetie, now remember I told you all We have a guest tonight so please clean up your stuff have a bath make yourself look presentable" they all rushed to clean up then to the upstairs bathroom. "Sorry you had to see that Darling you know how kids are" he laughed so did I "hope you don't mind the kids join us" "of course not William I'd love for them to join the little Angels" just before dinner was ready the kids came down all dress in there best all lined up

"Dad we are ready!" Michael shouted William walks to the 3 checking there clothes "Good, now you all remember yn?" The 3 nodded "well she's coming out with us tonight so don't fuck it up" he ruffled Evan hair "Yn darling come in" William called me...

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"Dad we are ready!" Michael shouted William walks to the 3 checking there clothes "Good, now you all remember yn?" The 3 nodded "well she's coming out with us tonight so don't fuck it up" he ruffled Evan hair "Yn darling come in" William called me in "aww wow YN you look beautiful!" Elizabeth hugs me "thank you you look beautiful too Lizzy" "y-yeah YN you look like a princess!" Evan hugs me too his words made me blush "aww thank you my little prince" I winked "you look...Great..yn" Michael blushed looking down I let go of the 2 and hugs Michael "you look handsome Michael" he blushed harder "Alrighty then am starving let's eat!" William clap his hand kids ran to the car. In the car was silent only the radio played a slow jazz tune William hummed along to it I smiled holding William hand and he squeezed my hand back.
in the restaurant
We sat at a 5 seated table ordered drinks first I ordered f/d William orders Red wine Evan water Elizabeth smoothie and Michael Pepsi, we waited for the food to arrive and I asked Michael how was school "it's okay.." he looked at his father looking away from him "he's been fighting and smoking in school." William glared at his eldest son "oh.. well we all was and will be teenagers at some point right?" I smiled at Michael and he just smiled. After 10 minutes asking everyone questions then I moved on to William "So how is Henry holding up I heard about his..Daughter bet he's in pieces and i know you saw her has a niece while she saw you has a Uncle" I gave him a sad smile but he didn't look upset just guilty "oh.. little Charlie. Henry is trying his best Also his wife.. anyways let's not talk about the past this our night" he winks I just rolled my eyes. The food arrived in we eat laughing cracking jokes and embarrassing memories I stop laughing looking at the table seeing the 3 trouble maker Michael he looks how much like his father but his eyes was a darker blue, Evan mousey brown hair with green eyes, Elizabeth she's a beautiful little girl with sunset red hair eyes like Evans. then I looked back at William seeing his hand intertwined with Mine I stare at his face realising how handsome he actually Is from his Dark brown hair and his light blue eyes his Gorgeous smiled! "YN?" "Oh yes sorry" "are you ok you seem off" "Hehe YN likes daddy!" Lizzy giggled nudging Michael and they laugh "OK hehe is everyone finished?" William ask he got 4 "Yep" "alrighty then let's go" he places money on the bill and we leave hand in hand. "WOW I'AM STUFFED!" Michael stretched into the backseat Lizzy giggled "Me too!" "Shush you 2 Evan is asleep" will looked over at Evan in my arms fast asleep pulling up the drive way the 2 got out first the William open the door for me "oh thank you darling~" I winked at him "Hey that's my saying" he chuckled I carried Evan upstairs to his room taking off his shoes for him and his coat then tucking him into bed kissing his forehead I walked to Lizzy room seeing her already in bed fast asleep I smiled placing her stuffed Bonnie plush next to her then tucking her in kissing her forehead then leaving next to Michael room knocking before walking in cause you know Teenage boy walking in he was asleep I did the same as the other 2 but before I kissed his forehead he woke up and pulled me into a hug "Thank you YN" "What for Buddy?" "For going out with my dad he's been in love with you for years and now your both dating I feel like I get to have a mom again" "aww Mikey" I hugged him tight "I love you..." "I love you too Dear.. good night" "Night" I walked to the bathroom to changed into my PJs walked into William bedroom.

"Oh darling you look like a like a cute bear~" "Hehe oh stop it you~" he moved over so I can lay down on his bed with him he turns on tv I turn over and cuddle next to him resting my head on his chest "Mhm? Someone is been cuddly tonight~" "be qui...

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"Oh darling you look like a like a cute bear~" "Hehe oh stop it you~" he moved over so I can lay down on his bed with him he turns on tv I turn over and cuddle next to him resting my head on his chest "Mhm? Someone is been cuddly tonight~" "be quiet hehe" "Make me~" he looks into my eyes I lean up and Kissed his lips butterfly's fluttered in my stomach he kissed back hard he pulled away so did I "I-I know this is early but... I love you~" "Hehe I love you too William~"

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