Dave Miller

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There's a Christmas party at Freddy's for the workers and you was NOT looking forward for it you had 2 weeks off work for Christmas and you have to see everyone Once again you've only just got away from them all! finally getting dressed  (Pick one...

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There's a Christmas party at Freddy's for the workers and you was NOT looking forward for it you had 2 weeks off work for Christmas and you have to see everyone Once again you've only just got away from them all! finally getting dressed  (Pick one or pick something else)

There's a Christmas party at Freddy's for the workers and you was NOT looking forward for it you had 2 weeks off work for Christmas and you have to see everyone Once again you've only just got away from them all! finally getting dressed  (Pick one...

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You drive to the restaurant. Once arriving there the party had already started "Fuck my life.. why I'm I hear?" You question yourself but with a sigh you exited your car.
YN pov:
I walk into the restaurant the main room was filled with People and food and a Christmas tree hang my coat and bag up and returned to the main room I poured yourself a glass of Wine humming along to the Christmas music While i looked around the room seeing Philip talking to a few people to my right Jeremy was chatting up some chicks I chuckled rolling my eyes Joan and Cassandra was having a laugh with each other while I just sat at the back of the room drinking away "Howdy Darlin.. what's A lovely lil thing like you doing all alone back here? a Texas but not so Texas accent spoke "Hello Mr Miller..." I took a sip of my wine and looked at his outfit a purple ugly Christmas jumper with Black pants with his normal black boots "YN why are you here by yourself?" I just sighed and rolled my eyes "Am staying away from you" I heard him chuckle "That's ain't very noice darlin~" i smelt Vodka on his breathe "Are you drunk already?" He smiled and nodded his head "Y-Yes! And I want you to dance with me Darlin!" Right on Que a slow country song comes on and the lights dim to a 'romantic setting' "Are you kidding me..." sighing Dave took my hand and pulled me to the middle of the room and made me dance with him

I smiled and enjoyed the dance with Dave he smelt nice and I liked him a little. The song came to a end "I'm going for a smoke. You want one too?" I accept and we walk out the building together holding hands unknowingly eyes was following us. "There you go darlin~" dave lights my cigarette for me "Thanks" I watch him take a drag with his pinky sticking out which made me giggle "Something Funny Hun?" "Nope nothing" I smiled looking up at the night sky the stars was bright the moon was full a beautiful winter night. We both finished our cigarettes Dave got us a drink since neither of us wanted to go in just yet we both was having a good time laughing and talking.maybe a little tipsy. "Haha Really that's what Phil said!" "Yes indeed he was so Pissed off haha!" We laughed until we couldn't breathe we soon stopped laughing I looked into Dave's eyes and he looks into mine. I never realised his pupils was white instead of Black they was pretty. Another slow song plays back inside Freddy's.

"Darlin May I have this dance?" He spoke with a British accent I never knew he was British or maybe it was the Alcohol "Yes you may Mr Miller~" we started to dance. The dance Continues till I get something cold hits my face looking up it was snowing my attention went back to Dave smiling at him and he smiles back I feel him bringing me closer "You know Yn you look absolutely Gorgeous tonight~" Dave spoke With that accent again I don't know if it was the alcohol but his voice made my stomach do a back flip "You look handsome yourself Dave" I smiled at him the song came to a end We both leaned in And kissed each other's Lip fireworks exploded in my chest and the butterflies fluttered around in my stomach Dave pulls away "I-this might be the alcohol giving me confidence but.. YN,Darlin would like to Go out with me This weekend?" I giggled and Kissed his Cheek softly "Yes I'd love to silly bear" we kissed again "GUYS SHE SAID YES!!" Jeremy shouted Dave and I looked up at the building to see Everyone from the party was cheering for us even Philip "Merry Christmas Dave~" "Merry Christmas Darlin~"

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