Have we met before?

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This is a William x Oc  but I'll change it to yn.
(Might do a part 2)

*1983 William pov*
I was in the shadows in the spring Bonnie suit looking for my next kill, till a young girl probably about 10 years old she stood out from the rest of the kids. her Ivory skin made all the young lads give her a cheeky smile, she dance along with Animatronics her long beautiful mousey brown hair swayed side to side, her Ocean blue eyes lit up the room She will be my next kill. She went to the bathroom and she comes back out "Hello little lady!" I put on my friendly voice "oh! Hello mr Bonnie" she smiles brightly her voice was soft and bubbly 'such a shame could have been company for Michael'  "Such a polite girl! Say who's your favourite animatronic?" She didn't think "definitely has to be you mr Bonnie!" She winks "Wonderful! Would you like to see my privet show!" She gasped "ah! yes please mr Bonnie" I smirk "Amazing! take my hand and follow me!" She takes my hand we skipped to the back room. "Here we are!" She looks around her and I quickly too off the suit I grabbed a knife and Rag so she can't scream "Mr Bonnie where is the stage and music?" She turns around to see me without the suit on "Am sorry Dear we can do this the easy way or the hard way!" I attack stuffing the rag in her mouth so she can't scream Seeing tear streaming down her face "oh don't cry little one.. I'll make it quick and painless" and with that I stab her hip multiple times has blood squirt everywhere, down her pink and white dress and on the floor. she try to run away but I was too strong for her Blood and tears spill she try's to remove my hand and the rag away from her mouth she looks into my eyes, her eyes was glossy from tears no long bright. I felt sorry for her and choice to slit her throat she Fell to the ground blood all over on the floor picking her body up like the princess she was.. I had to choice a beautiful suit for her It was a pink and white bunny suit (made up) "perfect! a beautiful suit for a princess" I place her gently inside before closing I pulled a strand of her mousey brown hair behind her ear closed the suit and felt to clean up. 

*1987 William pov*
The restaurant was busy like always kids running about, food on the floor I sigh 'thank god it my break' I thought to myself and left round front to have a smoke I spark the cigarette take a drag inhaling the smoke "Fuck me.. I needed this" I smiled. I was nearly done smoking when I saw a woman round my age and a little boy same as our Michael walking towards to restaurants. the closer she got I could see she had Gorgeous long wavy mousey brown hair, her figure was sexy in the dress she wore

 the closer she got I could see she had Gorgeous long wavy mousey brown hair, her figure was sexy in the dress she wore

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"wow" I stare my cigarette falls out of my mouth on to the pavement. Has she comes closer to me I blush she only just noticed me "Hello sir is the restaurant closed?" I looked into her eyes they was beautiful ocean blue... she started to look familiar "s..sir? Are you ok?" "Eh..yeah..no the restaurant isn't closed please come in Princess" I open the door for her the kid was already gone I winked she giggled.
*1 hour later* 
I couldn't take my eyes off her she looks so familiar but where have I seen her before? Just then she started to laugh has her son? Brother? Told her something, her smile and laugh could make a man kill  'come on William she's only a woman!' The boy runs off and I make my way over to her clearing my throat "Humm... excuse me..miss" "oh hello your the man from the front door right?" I chuckled "y..yeah" her voice sounded like a Angel I blushed red "s..Sir are you ok? Would you like to sit down your burning up!" She touched my shoulder and guides me to sit in the booth sitting me opposite of her "would you like a drink?" "No thank you miss?" "Oh it's LN. YN LN" she goes to shake my hand but I grabbed hers gently and placed a kiss on her Knuckles "My name is Afton. William Afton" she giggled I stare at her face her beautiful Ivory skin that makes her glow with the restaurant lights "am sorry for been weird YN... but have we met.. before?" She was taken back "I was thinking the exact same William but I have never seen you in my life I would already know if I had met you before.. you are very handsome" she flirts we giggled together.

we both have been talking for hours and it time to go home
"Wow it's late me and Levi has to be walking back home" I didn't want her to go but it's late and not safe inside the restaurant "Dad" "Mom"  "can we go please!" Michael and Levi walks over to us "yes, yes we can go.. oh see you've both made friends with each other" she kissed Levi cheek "So Michael is your boy hehe?" YN asked and giggled "Yes HA..and Levi is your son?" she nodded "mom can we go please" "sure baby but we have to walk I didn't mean to stay this long and didn't take the car" I get a tug in my arm turning around to see Michael "Dad can we give Levi and his mom a ride back home please I don't want them to walk in the dark"  I ruffled his hair nodding "Yn darling please let me and Michael give you both a ride home" she agrees Levi and Michael cheers and race out the the car I take YN arm and we walk to my car. The boys in the back while me and YN sit in the front she gave directions. We pulled up out side YN house I walk her to the door she unlocks it before Levi ran in he said "Bye Michael!" "Bye Levi!" We both giggled "thank you William how can I repay you?" I smirked "how about a date?" She giggled "sure I'd love that" I lean down and kissed her lips she kissed back! pulling away I smirked handed her my number. Back in the car I drove back home "Oooo dads got a girlfriend!" Michael giggled I chuckled rolling my eyes.

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