chapter 3

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That was the last thing I expected. When she told me, I expected to go mental and have a fit, but I didn't. I just stood there, shocked. I stared at her for what felt like ages, my jaw on the floor. Then I just ran upstairs and cried for ages.

Why? What did I do? Am I that much of a shit daughter that she wants to ship me off to the other side of the world? I cant believe this...

Wiping my eyes, black from the now running mascara and eyeliner, I get off my bed and drag myself over to my iPod dock, plugging my iPod in, and blasting Green Day through the speakers. Actually no, I'm in the mood for Black Veil Brides. What? My moods match my music and I feel very Black Veil Bridesy right now.

I sit and stare at the ceiling for what feels like forever, just thinking about a million things all at once. But then, one question in particular really starts to nag at me. Why is my nickname Nova? I mean, I know my real name is November, but no one ever calls me that except for teachers and people I've just met, but even new people start to call me Nova not long after. Nova means 'a normal star that suddenly shines a thousand time brighter, then eventually dulls back to it's original normal shine'. But I have never shone brightly. I have always been the same dull, boring star that nobody notices. They always notice the other, shinier ones. They always want the other shinier ones. Who would want me? I'm never going to shine any brighter than this. I'm not a Nova. I'm a mess.

Suddenly, Knives and Pens acoustic version starts to play. No matter what situation I'm in, this song makes me feel happy. I sing along under my breath for a while, before drifting off into a light sleep.


I hear a light knock on the door.Mom walks in with a cup of something hot and a plate of cookies. 'Some scoutgirls were selling these, I bought a few for you and made you hot chocolate' she murmured awkwardly. I was shocked. Ever since dad left, she hasn't done anything for me except make me feel unwanted. 'I...I...' I stuttered before bursting out in tears again. Mom just put the plate and cup down on my bedside table and sat at the end of the bed awkwardly. After about five minutes of hard crying, I look up from my hands at her. She is staring at the ground. 'What's up?' I sniffle. 'Um, I just came in here to give you details about your move to Australia'.

I wince at that for some reason.

'Okay, tell me.'

'Well, do you remember your dads sister that he, well, was very fond of? The one you've never met or even talked to because she lives in Australia?'


'Well that's who you're going to live with. She has three kids. The youngest is Harry, he's ten, the middle child's Lauren, she is thirteen, and then there's Ashton, he's 18, 2 years older than you'

I let that sink in. I've never had any siblings.

'Okay', I reply, 'when do I leave?'



'I'm sorry, I wasn't able to tell you these past two weeks, I was worried about how you'd react'


She scurries out the door, looking over her shoulder to tell me that there will be a car to pick me up at 9 am to bring me to the airport.

After I slam the door behind her, I start to pack. All my clothes - mainly band merch - and books, ornaments, posters, everything. I don't own that many things anyway, so it isn't too hard to stuff everything in to one big suitcase, a rucksack, and my Green Day shoulderbag. After my room is completely bare and empty, except for a bed, a wardrobe and a bedside table, I fall onto my bed and drift off to sleep, scared of what's to come in the near future...

Okay, I know this is really just a filler but how is it so far?!

Oh and remember, this is all fictional, so if ashtons mom doesnt have a brother, just bear in mind its not true, so dont hate!
Ron xx

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