Chapter 6

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After a rather hectic day of laughing and getting to know the boys, Ashton and I headed back. It was late when we got home, maybe ten. 'Are you tired?', Ashton asked me, stretching. 'Kind of', I replied. 'Oh, okay, well, I'll show you to your room then', Ashton stuttered. I giggled lightly. 'I know where it is', I smiled at him. 'Yeah, I know, but I gotta be a gentleman and show you the way anyway', he smiled at me. So, he started up the stairs, me following him. He stopped outside the door to my bedroom and opened it for me. 'Thanks', I smiled at him. 'G'night, Nova, sleep well' he whispered as he leaned in to hug me.

So this is the part where i hug him back, inhale his amazing scent, and pull back slightly to stare into his eyes.


I wasnt expecting the hug, I actually went for a fistbump. So i ended up fistbumping his chest, as he leaned in for a hug. At first, he just stared at me, then he started laughing. 'Oh, sorry...' I mumbled, my cheeks burning. Just my luck. 'Thats... so.... cute!' He managed to breath between laughs. After a few seconds, he stopped laughing and smiled at me. 'Hug this time?' He asked. 'Hug this time' i laughed. He hugged me tightly before stepping out of the room. 'Night'


I slept like a rock, the bed is so comfy i just slept through the whole night.

That is until i felt four extremely heavy, loud and tall things fall on top of me. 'Morning, Nova! Remember us? From yesterday?' a voice that was Michaels said. 'Yes, i remember you, can you please all get up? Im suffocating and I dont like being sleepy AND being unable to breath at the same time. They dont go well together' I whined. Slowly but surely, the weight decreased until the only weight that was left was the weight of the blanket.

'So are you ready for our roadtrip around Sydney? We are gonna show you all the cool places to go and stuff!' Ashton said happily. I laughed. 'Do I look remotely ready to you?' I giggled as i threw the blanket off me and hopped out of bed, walking straight over to my clothes drawers. I didnt get an answer, but i just kept my back to them, assuming they were on their phones or something.
'Um, Nova?' Luke spoke shakily. I turned around and looked at them. They were all staring at me. Why are they staring at me, what the hell?

And then it hit me.

I had slept in a bra and my underwear.

Which was all i was wearing right now because i had just gotten out of bed.

'SHIT!' I hissed, pulling the ensuite door open and hiding behind it. 'Ummm, you guys go downstairs... I'll.. uh, be down in a minute...' I stammered. 'Yeah, uh, sure.... just dont forget to wear a swimsuit... or something...' I heard Ashton call, before hearing them all shuffle out of the room, shutting the door behind them.


That was embarassing.







Obviously this was just a filler to get back into the whole writing thing. Longer chapters coming!!

Im sorry for spelling mistakes and lack of proper capital letters and stuff. Im writing this on my phone so its hard XD

Okayyyy baiiiiii


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