Chapter 9

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**Hasnt been proofread so sorry about any spelling mistakes!!!**

Ashtons p.o.v

I dont remember falling asleep on the beach, but when I woke up, I yawned groggily and stretched a bit before looking to my left. Michael was asleep, snoring lightly, his mouth open just a bit. On the other side of him was Calum, sleeping peacefully too. I turned over to see an empty towel, and beside it a sleeping Luke.

Wow, we are so lazy.

I didnt get worried when I saw the empty towel. Beside it was Nova's bag. Her clothes were gone, meaning she had put them on before she left. I guess she has gone to the newsagents across the road.

I lay on my back and put an arm over my eyes. It was so sunny, I had trouble keeping my eyes open against it. I lay there thinking about Nova. She is a really cool girl, so far. The blue fringe in her hair is so cute. And her accent! Fuck, I love Irish accents. Her thick Irish voice was wicked. I grinned at the memory of last night, when I went to give her a hug, but she went for a fistbump. She looked so embarassed and awkward! She was so cute, damn. Her small frame made her look so vulnerable, and although she was shy and awkward and quiet, she was quite friendly and outgoing when you got into a conversation with her.

I heard Luke stirring, so I turned my head to look at him.

'Hey there Lukey' I grinned at him. 'Sup Ash' he replied in a slightly raspy voice. He looked quizzically at the empty towel next to him. 'She is probably just gone to the shop, dont worry mate' I said before he could even ask. 'Oh, right. How long has she been gone for?' he questioned. Then it hit me. She had been gone for about 10 minutes.

I furrowed my eyebrows before getting up and dusting off some sand. 'Alright mate? Where you off to?' Luke asked, shielding his eyes from the sun with the back of his hand. 'I'll be back in a minute, just wait there' I didnt even look at him as I made my way to the newsagents.

I pushed the door of the shop open, hearing the tinkling noise above my head from the door hitting the windchime. I quietly made my way through all of the isles, whispering Nova's name every so often. Once I had scowered each isle twice, I gave up and left. I stood outside the shop and looked up and down the street.

Where is she?

I was starting to get worried. Surely, she wouldnt habe just walked off? No, she isnt that stupid. I made my way back to the guys, who were now all awake and lying on their towels, propped up by their elbows. 'Well? D'ya find her?' Michael asked. 'Yeah, I did. Thats why she isnt with me right now' I said, irritated. 'Sorry' Michael mumbled. 'Ugh, no, Im sorry, im just worried. She wouldnt have just up and left. And anyways if she did, she would have brought her bag. Check your phones for messages' I told them. 'Our phomes are in the car' Calum said unsurely. 'Well then lets go' I said, pulling my top on and my jeans. Once we were all ready, we grabbed the towels and bundled them up. I bent down to pick up Nova's bag, but before I could, Luke grabbed it. 'I got it' he smiled. 'Well, okay' I grinned back

Once we got back to the car, we all checked our phones. Not a single text or call from Nova. But, there was a message from my mom.

Mom -

Hey hunny, hope you're all having a good day! Keep an eye on Nova, she doesnt know her way around yet. Dont lose her! :) xxx

Well shit.

What am I gonna tell her when I arrive home with no Nova? Ugh, Im in for it now.

Suddenly, the screen of my phone lit up with a phonecall. The ID was ...


'Guys, its her! Shush' I said before answering her. 'Nova! Where are you? Im so worried! I-'

'Ashton Irwin'

My jaw dropped. It wasnt Nova. It was a man. What?

'Who is this?' I growled. I could feel my eyes growing darker and my jaw clench.

'That is something you wont ever know' the man said. I could hear the smile on his face.

'Where's Nova?' I asked angrily.

'Oh, Nova? She is right here. Let me just take the gag out of her mouth so you can speak to her' the deep male voice informed me. I could hear some sort of struggle before a small, squeaky voice spoke. 'Ashton?' she whimpered. 'Nova! Oh god, Nova, are you okay?'

'Im scared, Ashton'

'I know, Hun. Do you know where you are?'

'Not exactly, but its dark and big and cold'

'Okay. Dont worry Nova, I will get you back'

'Please hurry, I dont want to be here anymore' she sobbed. She sounded like a small child. I felt so sorry for her. I just wanted to engulf her in a massive hug.

'Okay, enough chitchat for the two of you' the male voice returned. I hit the wheel with my fist.'IF YOU LAY A HAND ON HER I SWEAR-'

'Already have'

I was fuming. How dare he?! 'Oh you dont know what you have coming my friend. You will regret everything you've done to her, whatever it may be you've done' I said in a low, warning tone. I was so angry.

'Was that a threat, Mr. Irwin?' the man asked.

'You bet it fucking was, Mister' I replied.

'Well then, due to that threat, there is a punishment. But, seeing as you arent here to get the punishment for yourself, she will take it for you' the man laughed.

I was about to start screaming at him, but someone beat me to it.

'AAAAHHH! NO! PLEASE! GET AWAY FROM ME! ASHTON HELP!!!!!' Nova's horrifying scream had me in tears. I could hear someone slapping and punching her.

'STOP! STOP IT RIGHT KOW! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT? ANYTHING, ILL GIVE YOU ANYTHING' I screamed, the tears in my eyes blurring my vision.

'Anything, you say?' the man asks. Nova had stopped screaming but i could hear her sobs in the background.

'Anything' I confirmed.

'Okay deal. If you give me what I want, you can have her back'

'Deal, now what do you want?' I said shakily.

'Your father, before he left, he made a secret bank account. He put $100,000 in to that bank account for you and your siblings to split. But you would only find out about the money once all three of you had turned 18. So you would have had to wait until Harry turned 18, then you would have all recieved your due amount. But, the money has been in the account so long, it has doubled to $200,000' the man explained. It scared me that he knew about Harry and Lauren, it really did, but I pushed it out of my mind.

'Okay, so what do you want me to do?' I said, getting annoyed.

'Go to the bank, ask for the Irwin Secret Account. There is a bank card hidden in the loose skirting bored in your living room. Bring that with you, show it to the banker, then they will accept it and put all the money on it. Get that done by six o clock tomorrow evening. I will ring you at half six and give you details on where to meet me with the card' he told me.

'Okay' I replied, wiping my eyes on the sleeve of my shirt.

'Then, and only then, will you get my daughter back'



Ronnie xxx

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