Chapter 19

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Peter stood there dumbfounded unsure how to answer Roman's questions. This only pissed Roman off even more, knowing that Peter was choosing not to answer on purpose, because he was right about Peter's thought of him not being home. "ANSWER ME DAMN IT! WERE YOU OR WERE YOU NOT GOING TO ENTER MY GOD DAMN HOME, THINKING THAT I WOULD ALLOW YOU THE CHANCE TO SPEAK TO MY WIFE?!?"

"Roman, I don't want to cause any problems," Peter began to say.

"You don't want to cause problems? Don't you think that it's a little late to be saying that? You already started to cause problems the moment that you walked through that door, thinking that you could get alone time with my wife. Did you think I wouldn't know about your little meeting," Roman snapped.

"Look, in all fairness I was invited here by Alyse. If you want to be mad at someone, then you should be mad at Alyse. She's the one who invited me over so we could talk in private. She was the one who told me that you would be at the office today, so that we had time to talk. I even have the text messages to prove it. I can show you if you want," Peter said in a desperate attempt to keep Roman from getting any angrier.

Roman rolled his eyes while laughing at Peter. "You don't think I don't know about the text messages sent between you and my wife? You don't think I know about your little invite here? Really take a moment to think about this Peter; who do you think really invited you over? Who do you think was pulling the strings to make her say all of that? Because we both know damn well that she wouldn't go and write something like that all on her own. Oh no. She needed to be pushed a little. And with the right encouragement, she can be motivated to do many things that she doesn't want."

"What did you do to her? Where is Alyse right now? You better not have done something to kill her," Peter snapped now growing angry himself. Peter tried his hardest to hold himself back and not attack Roman tearing him apart.

Roman couldn't help but to laugh at Peter. "What makes you think that I would go and kill my wife; especially after all the years that I had put into making sure that no other man would want her? What makes you think that I would throw all that hard work away? Not sure if you have noticed this Peter, but Alyse and I are meant to be together. She's my mate and there is nothing that you can do to stop us from being together. She's finally learning that for herself. She's seeing that she can't escape from her true nature, no matter how hard she tries, she will never succeed in running away from her true nature. Not even you could help her escape from it either. So, why do you continue to bother trying to take her away from me?"

"Look Roman you never gave Alyse a chance to be a normal girl. You never gave her a chance to do what she wanted; let alone be with another man who was not you. You forced yourself on her and got her pregnant, just so she would have no choice but to be with you. And the sad part is you did this more than once to her. Yet you still don't give her a chance to be with someone. You force her to go through with a marriage that she didn't want. Does that help you feel more like a man, knowing that you forced a young woman to be with you, when she wanted to find someone, she loved? Did you get to the point where you couldn't stand seeing Alyse happy with me, that you had to find ways to come between her and I? Granted now that I know it was you that forced Alyse into sending that text message, I should have known that something was up. I should have known that Alyse would not have sent that kind of message on her own. But I thought, maybe just maybe her hormones were starting to get the best of her. She is pregnant with your child, and is due to give birth to is soon. I was trying to be a decent man and not upset her by not showing up in case she was genuine on wanting to see me while you were out working," Peter snapped.

"If it makes you feel better, yes Alyse did want to be present during our little talk. Unfortunately, she got all worn out before you could even make it here. Don't worry though, I will be sure to pass on any message that you have for her. Is there something you would like for her to know," Roman asked in a taunting manner.

His Deadly Wife (A Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfic) book 3Where stories live. Discover now