Chapter 13

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Peter sat in the car outside of the dinner, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of Alyse walking around the small town. After a few minutes, Peter started growing antsy waiting. What the hell am I doing sitting here waiting? I'm an idiot to think that Roman would allow Alyse to leave the house on her own. He was highly possessive of her before. Here I am like a good little dumb ass waiting for her to show up out of thin air. Maybe it was a stupid idea to come all this way, thinking that she would somehow manage to get away from Roman. Maybe that's all I'm doing right now. I'm wasting my damn time, with wishful thinking, hoping that Alyse is alone, so that way I can talk to her; and in the process most likely piss her off that I had gone back on my word to her. But I have to try and explain things to her. I have to try and convince her that, her marriage is not good at all, and that she's basically being manipulated in staying in a marriage where her husband is a complete control freak. The only question is, is Alyse willing to listen to what I have to say; or is she going to assume that I'm making all of this up, so I can have her all to myself. No, I can't think like that. I have to try and talk to her. I have to see if I can somehow knock some sense into her, and see if I can convince her to leave Roman before things get way out of hand, Peter thought to himself before he caught a glimpse of Alyse making her way into the ice cream shop. "Here goes nothing. I just hope that she's in the mood to hear me out, even if it's only for five minutes."

Peter was about to get out of the car, when he suddenly stopped spotting Olivia making her way to the ice cream shop, where she spotted Alyse enter. Oh, this is going to turn out bad. I might as well wait until Olivia is done with Alyse, before I make my way in there to talk to her. I just hope that Olivia doesn't piss Alyse off too bad. I don't need her ripping me a new one, even though that's what's going to happen when she sees that I'm back in Hemlock Grove, and have gone back on my word about never returning again, Peter thought to himself as he watched Olivia now enter the ice cream shop, after Alyse found a seat to sit down at.

Roman is completely unbelievable with the way he acts at times. How dare he think he can go and fool around with whores. Does he honestly think he can get away with cheating on me? Because if he does think that, then he's dumber than a bag of freaking rocks. For once I would like him to feel what it's like to have every damn female to avoid him as if he had the plague. Then he would begin to understand the pain that I was going through, wondering why all the guys in high school made it their damn mission to avoid me. I honestly was believing that there was something wrong with me. But now, oh now I know the truth. I was not the reason why they decided to avoid talking to me, or made no attempt to ask me out on a date, or ask me to any dances. The reason why they all avoided me like they did was, because Roman had a hand in it. I should have known that he was responsible for it. But I chose not to think about it. I didn't think that Roman would stoop so damn low, to keep other males from wanting to be around me. Oh, who the hell am I kidding it's Roman I'm talking about. Of course, he would stoop so low. He's proven once again that he can go lower, just when I believed that he couldn't do so. Telling me that if I deny him of what he wants, that he could always go out and find a whore to take care of his needs. Does he honestly believe that I would be alright with him doing that? Roman is completely unbelievable with the way he acts at times. How dare he think he can go and fool around with whores. Does he honestly think he can get away with cheating on me? Because if he does think that, then he's dumber than a bag of freaking rocks. For once I would like him to feel what it's like to have every damn female to avoid him as if he had the plague. Then he would begin to understand the pain that I was going through, wondering why all the guys in high school made it their damn mission to avoid me. I honestly was believing that there was something wrong with me. But now, oh now I know the truth. I was not the reason why they decided to avoid talking to me, or made no attempt to ask me out on a date, or ask me to any dances. The reason why they all avoided me like they did was, because Roman had a hand in it. I should have known that he was responsible for it. But I chose not to think about it. I didn't think that Roman would stoop so damn low, to keep other males from wanting to be around me. Oh, who the hell am I kidding it's Roman I'm talking about. Of course, he would stoop so low. He's proven once again that he can go lower, just when I believed that he couldn't do so. Telling me that if I deny him of what he wants, that he could always go out and find a whore to take care of his needs. Does he honestly believe that I would be alright with him doing that? He was the one who was so damn hell bent on making this marriage happen, and now he's acting like he's not even happy to be with me. Shit, he made sure that I couldn't leave him. He's made it damn near impossible. Not to mention I'm now carrying his child. So even if I wanted to disappear, it would only be a matter of time before he came searching for me and our child. Once that sick bastard finds both my child and I, he would drag us all the way back to Hemlock Grove. He would make sure that we were under constant surveillance so that way it would be damn near impossible for me to take my child and leave again. Either that or Roman might grow bored of chasing after me, and kill me off raising both Nadia and our child all on his own. Or maybe he would find himself a common whore to play house with, have them take care of our child and his daughter, just long enough until he found himself another whore to play house with. It will be a never-ending search for the nest best whore for him to play with until he grows bored of all of them, Alyse thought to herself as she made her way to the counter, where a young girl stood.

His Deadly Wife (A Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfic) book 3Where stories live. Discover now