Chapter 3

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The smell of blueberry pancakes filled my nostrils, made me woke up from my deep slumber. I glanced towards my left side, and saw the bed where Harmony slept in last night was empty. I sat up, grabbed my temple and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I glanced at the clock on my wall and it was 9am in the morning. Harmony must have been in the kitchen, cooking pancakes for the kids. I smiled as I pictured the situation in my head.

I got up, made the bed, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the tab, and a rush of water started to flush out from the shower holes. Cold, just the way I like it. I closed my eyes, feeling the sensation of the icy water touching against my skin.

After shower I made my way to the sink and brushed my teeth, and washed my face. To be frank, I didn't really care about my hygiene, but since I got married, my wife made that a priority of hers. And being a good husband that I am, I follow her rules.

I then grabbed the shaving cream, spread it on my face, took my shaver and started to shave my stubbles. After I was satisfied, I washed it away with water and cleaned it afterwards with a face towel.

I stepped outside the bathroom, walked towards my wardrobe and put on my grey sweatpants, with a white t-shirt. I looked at myself in the stand mirror beside the dresser, and thought that today I was thinking of letting my hair down instead of the normal manbun that I always in.

I then continued my steps towards the stairs, and I can smell the aroma of blueberry pancakes were getting stronger. As I descended the stairs, there they were in view, my beautiful wife, with her blond hair in a high bun, and floral sleeveless dress, flipping the pancake on the pan; my daughter Ramie, in her cute flare ballerina skirt and hair ribbon to complement her short bob telling stories on the kitchen island while eating said pancake; and my son Hayden, in his high chair eating away the pancake in the messiest way as possible.

I smiled genuinely looking at them. There's not a thing in this world that would make me happier than breakfast with my family on a Saturday morning.

"Morning." I smiled, approaching them.

"Morning daddy!" Ramie replied, looking excited. "Daddy, you look pretty today!" she continued after noticing my hair.

"Daddy is always pretty, isn't he?" Harmony interrupted, smirking at me.

"Jealous, are we?" I said in a mocking tone.

"What? For you to have an androgynous face? Not in the slightest..." she rolled her eyes, approaching our small kitchen island with the pan and put the pancake on the empty plate that was readied for me.

I pulled out the stool from underneath and sat beside my daughter, kissing her head.

"Daddy, lookie." She showed me the leftover of her food, in which she made an artwork of a smiley from the combination of blueberry and pancake that was mushed together.

"It's beautiful baby." I smiled, kissing her again. And she giggled.

"Ramie, stop playing with your food." Harmony raised her voice, sternly.

I whispered in Ramie's ear. "Look, you made mommy mad. Better finish up baby."

Ramie then looked at me with a mischievous look, and started on her plate. I couldn't help but to smile. She is every bit like her mother. A little playful. I then stole a glance towards my son Hayden. He was quiet, eating away the messy pancake with his bare hands. For a toddler, he didn't show enough signs as a normal two-year-old. I started to get worried. Knowing my genetical origin; I needed to get worried.

"Ok." Harmony finally sat down with the family, grabbing the cutleries to start eating on her pancake. "So, today's agenda," she looked at me. "I'm gonna send Ramie to her ballet class and you're gonna send Hayden to Baby Playland."

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