Chapter 5

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As I parked my Honda Civic at the gas station, my phone started to ring. I reached for it in my pocket, and looked at the screen. It was Harmony.

"Hey." I picked up.

"Hey. It's been a while, is everything ok? Got what you needed?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. There's a really bad traffic, some construction's going on. Maybe I'll be a little late."

"Ok. Don't be too late. Dinner's getting cold, and I don't want Hayden to sleep late."

"Ok baby. Should be out of the traffic in twenty."

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you too."

After she hung up the phone, I glanced up on my rear-view mirror and saw my son stared back at me. I turned my head around to face him.

"Hey buddy."

"Hi Daddy."

"Don't tell mommy what happened today, ok. She's gonna get worried if she knows."

"Ok Daddy." He smiled, playing with his stuffed panda toy.

Satisfied with his answer, I turned off the engine and got out from the car. I scooped Hayden out from his baby seat at the back, closed the door and locked the car. After that I made my way to the gas station store to buy some ice cream, cough medicine, wet wipe and new clothing.

As I stepped inside, I could feel gazes fixed on me like I was some kind of wanted criminal. I don't blame them, I was covered in blood from head to toe, and carrying a toddler. If that didn't scream kidnapper, I don't know what is. I faked a smile.

"Poor dog didn't make it. We had to bury him; didn't we bud?" I looked over at Hayden, and he was hiding his face in his stuffed panda. "He's shy."

I picked up the shopping basket from the entrance, and went through the judgemental crowd. Their gazes still fixed on me, but I didn't give a shit. I just wanted to get home.

I threw the objects that I wanted into the basket and went towards the cash register. The cashier looked at me, then looked at my son, and looked at me again. I could sense fear in her eyes as she was scanning the items in the basket.

"Twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents." She punched in, avoiding eye contact with me.

I took out my wallet and gave her thirty. "Keep the change." I forced a smile, picked up my things and exited the small shop.

Then I made my way behind the establishment to find the restroom. I walked around it, and found a worn-out grey door at the back. It made a squeaky sound as I pushed it open. I stepped in, locked the door and put my son on the toilet seat. I reached in the plastic bag, took out the ice cream and gave it to him.

"Yay, ice cream." He grabbed the ice cream from my hand excitedly and started to suck on it.

I smiled looking at my son, then started to unzip my black hoodie and took it off. I took off the white t-shirt underneath it too. Both were covered in blood. After that I reached for a wet wipe in the plastic bag, and started to wipe the blood from my face, my hair, my hands, my body and my shoes. Then I took off my jeans and wiped my legs. I pulled out my hairband and started to wash my face.

After almost everything was cleaned, and I put on my new set of clothing. I thanked the universe that the store had the same type of clothing that I had worn earlier. Except for the t-shirt. It was a cartoon t-shirt. Well, I could always wear it inside out to avoid suspicions from my wife.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I cursed slowly. After wiping my face clean, I noticed there were a few cuts on my face. Near the right eye, and on my lips. There was no escaping the interrogation from the missus once I get home. And what's worse, Hayden was with me. I let out an exasperated sigh. I am fucked.

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