Chapter 13

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I combed my hair, pulled it upwards and tied it in a bun. Then, I took my shaving cream and spread it across my face with my hand. After that, I grabbed my shaver on the sink and started to shave off my stubbles. I had to look good today. I have an interview with Google.

I continued my steps outside the master bathroom, went to my dresser and put on my best shirt, along with my blazer. Do I want to wear a tie? I mused. Maybe not. It's Google. It's famous for its spontaneity and fun. It was just an online interview, but I wanted to make the best first impression. I wasn't so desperate to wanting this job, but Google is something that I need to make a change in my life. A new start.

I glanced towards my clock on the wall; ten minutes before the interview. It was Monday morning, and I had just sent Hayden to his day care. I couldn't let him intervene on what could be the most important moment in my life.

After putting on my best clothes, I continued my steps downstairs and readied my laptop on top of the dining table. My house was somewhat mediocre, so I didn't have a proper office. I turned on my laptop, opened my email and clicked on the link sent by Google.

I took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. Usually, I don't really feel nervous, because I didn't really care much about the future prospect of my career. Talking with Dr Burke, she emphasized on the physical and emotional needs of my family towards me. They need me, as much as I need them. And to do that, I needed to start caring about my career, and therefore; people's impressions towards me. Tedious; in my book, but I don't want to be an asshole anymore. I'm ready to change, to be a better man.


The screen suddenly popped out, and a couple of guys appeared on my screen. One was wearing a hoodie, looked young, probably in his twenties with dark hair and blue eyes, and another was in a plain t-shirt, brown skin, looked slightly older, most probably early forties. He had a goatee and long black hair tucked back behind his head. I grinned slightly at the image in front of me.

"Hi." I replied.

"Ah, Adrean Lecsher, is it?" the one in the hoodie asked.

"Yes." I nodded, acknowledged them.

"Hi, my name is Tim, and this is Sanjay." He motioned towards the guy in the plain t-shirt.


He let out a slight laugh. "Oh man, nice to finally meet you. Umm...we don't have that much time, so let's get it started."

They asked me about my working experience, my knowledge in computer engineering, weird psychological questions, my relationship with my bosses and my co-workers. Then, they started to touch on my results in high school, and NYU. Both of them, seemed to be impressed by my transcripts.

"Valedictorian, eh?" Tim asked.

"Yup." I nodded.

"And 4.0 CGPA. Straight A's guy."

I chuckled slightly. "Yes."

"And in your resume, you stated you're fluent in fifteen languages?"

"Yup." I nodded again.

"Damn. I mean...that's some quality shit right there." He laughed, and looking at Sanjay, in which Sanjay nodded.

"Well, umm..." Tim continued, "From talking to you, I already know you're a smart guy, and you know your shit. So..." he looked at Sanjay again, and Sanjay nodded. "It will be stupid of us not to hire you."

I replied with a slight laugh. Rather awkwardly to be precise.

"So, when can you start?"

"Wait. I got the job?" I needed to confirm.

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