Chapter 8

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I inhaled the nicotine deep in my lungs, enjoying the cool breeze on the start of Autumn. I exhaled the cigarette smoke out of my mouth and nose, while the soft, cold wind brushed my untied straight shoulder length hair. Another five minutes and I'll get home.

I heard the rooftop door being opened, and footsteps coming in closer behind me. Most probably Lara, trying to get a freeload at one of my cigarettes again.


A different voice. I turned around, and there she was;

"Kylie." I said, in a surprising tone.

She smiled looking up at me. "Enjoying your cigarette?"

"Yeah." I looked at my fingers where I held my cigarette. "Do you want one?"

She shook her head. "No, I don't smoke."

"Ah." I replied.

I turned back around, trying to enjoy the view while smoking. Kylie stood beside me, taking in the view as well. There was a moment of silent between us, when she decided to speak again.

"You look different with your hair down." She said, turning her head towards me. "You look prettier."

"Uh...thanks." I replied, rather awkwardly.

She let out a slight chuckle. "The cuts on your face, it's already healed." She said, examined my face.

"Uh, yeah." I nodded, avoiding her gaze. "Been to the doctor."

She let out another chuckle. And there was another moment of silence between us. And this time, it was awkward.

"You don't remember do you?" she started, breaking the silence once again.

"Remember what?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"The day we first met." She said, looking out into the view.

"Oh, that." I stole a glance towards her. "Yeah, it was at the stairs, where you were –"

"No." she abruptly cut me off.

"What?" this time, I turned my body around to face her.

"It was not on the stairs." She said, still looking at the view. "It was six years ago, behind the alley near a bar. I was still in high school at the time. It was late, I just got back from visiting my friend, we were doing a project together. And then there were a couple of guys who wanted to hurt me; but you saved me. You were wearing an NYU sweater that moment."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. What the fuck did I just hear?

"I was confident that it was you at the time, because of your eyes." She continued on, and turned herself to face me. "You had the same pair of green eyes." She looked up, staring at me in the eyes with her dark brown one.

"I...I think you got the wrong person." I smiled awkwardly.

"And then I found out where you studied, from that sweater you wore. When I came to NYU, I was so devastated when I saw you with that blond girl. That's who your wife is now, isn't it? You married her, didn't you?" she started approaching me, and I took a few steps back.

"What are you – "

"I love you, Adrean." She blurted out. "I love you with all my heart, from that moment you saved me from the bad guys. You were amazing. You are still amazing. And I want you." She kept marching towards me, and I kept taking steps back.

"I don't care if you're married. Please let me into your life, I swear I'll make you happy. Happier than your wife ever will. Please make me yours."

My steps were stopped by the air conditioner filter that was on the rooftop. This woman. This crazy bitch had been stalking me since I was in NYU. I looked into her eyes in distress, her dark brown eyes were gleaming with hope and anticipation. It is fearful how much the feeling of love can control a person's life. No. This is not love. This is obsession.

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