Chapter 7

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After settling in with the couple and their three-year-old son, I went back to the day care to pick up Hayden. I didn't feel so good about this behavior, and for the whole afternoon I kept thinking about how to deal with my wife. Surely, she will not be happy haring about this. And knowing her, she would definitely tie this incident with the event that happened at the 'drug store'. Fuck.

"Mr. Lecsher." The supervisor spoke me as soon as I came in.

"Hey. Where is he?" I asked.

"He's at the back, in the play room. We've put him on a time out."

"Ah, I see. Thanks."

As I was about to go to the playroom, the supervisor stopped me.

"Mr. Lecsher." She said, with a concern voice. "I believe your wife has told you about Hayden's possible psychological disorder?"

I paused. Hearing that, I felt like I wanted to throw her into the gutter. How dare she judges my son from what little knowledge that she had. Yeah, she's an expert in child's development, I'll give you that. But that doesn't give her the excuse of drawing that conclusion. Fuck, I felt like I was seeing a shrink.

"Ms. Piper, is it?" I said, approaching her.

"Yes?" she answered, a little bit intimidated.

"Tell me. How does one tell from an early childhood, that they are developing psychological disorder? I mean...every child is different. One could seemingly be eight months old and already up on their feet, while the other couldn't even mutter any word on their thirteen months. You're telling me, a two-year-old is developing social anxiety just because he's not talking to his playmates? Are you fucking kidding me?"

That was what I wanted to say. But with Hayden's sudden burst of violence act, and his possible advanced genes that he inherited from me; I wouldn't want to take a chance. Instead, I said;

"Yes." I faked a smile. "We're working on that."

As I said that, I quickly walked past her and immediately went towards the backroom where it was labelled as 'Play Room'. I saw Hayden was alone, playing with his stuffed panda. Somehow, watching him alone in the room without anyone, reminded me of me when I was little. This sorrowful feeling started to hover inside me; fearing of what my son would be in the future. I opened the door, and stepped inside.

"Hey buddy." I tried smiling, approaching him.

"Daddy!" he noticed me, and quickly ran up to me.

I bent down and scooped him up in my arms, and kissed him. I love him so much, that it hurts to see him like this. I put him down, and levelled up with him to ask him a question. I looked at him in the eyes.

"Bud, why did you do that? Why did you hurt that little boy?" I stroked his hair gently.

"Because he took my panda."

I paused, surprised. I was speechless. He wasn't attacking, he was defending. The kid who was older than him was bullying him, and instead of crying, he manned up and took action. My eyes soften at his reply, and I gave him a gentle smile. His action was questionable for a toddler, yes. But his heart was in the right place, and that was all I needed.

"Let's go home baby." I kissed his head and picked him up.

I looked down on my phone screen, contemplating whether to call my wife or not. Hayden was on my lap, cuddling to me while suckling on his baby bottle and watching Dora the Explorer on the television. I already told the day care to keep this from my wife as I would tell her myself. What good would that do if she knew about our son's violent act of justice? Surely she would blame me, considering the event of me being 'heroic' with our son presence.

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