Chapter 12

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It was Saturday morning. Ramie was at her usual ballet class, and Hayden was upstairs, watching his favorite cartoon. And Harmony and I, we were in the basement, looking at an urn.

"So...all this time, she's been here?"


"In the basement?"


There was a long pause, before Harmony decided to speak up. "I see. What are you planning to do with her ashes?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Don't really care."

I started to walk away; and Harmony suddenly pulled my arm. "Adrean." She spoke softly. I stopped, turned around to face her. "There must be better times, right?"

As I was looking at her baby blues, my gaze then fell onto the floor; reminiscing my past. My memories with my mother, before her fall down.

It was early morning during the summer. I remembered that she woke me up early, showing me her new summer dress. It was a strapless white dress, flowing beautifully as she spun around the room along with her long, beautiful straight dark hair. I looked into her hazel eyes, they were filled with excitement and happiness. She was beautiful.

She asked me to go down with her to the beach, to experience our first summer in America. I smiled and nodded, joining in her little dance and being excited for her. My mother loved the beach. It was the only thing that kept her mind free. She said; every time when she submerged her feet into the sand, she felt as if she became one with the earth.


Harmony's voice snapped me back to the current time. I moved my gaze upwards onto her eyes, and she smiled softly, looking at me. I smiled back, but with a tad of sadness. She pulled my arm gently, and embraced me in a loving hug. I hugged her petite figure, resting my chin on her head, sighing heavily.

"She used to love the beach." I said, almost whisper.

"Then how about we spread her ashes there?" she murmured slowly; I can feel her warm breath on my collarbone.

Tears suddenly started to fill in my eyes. "She would've liked that."

Harmony then broke the hug, and caressed my left cheek with her right hand. I wore a bitter sweet smile on my features, and Harmony cupped both my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss. I replied with a gentle kiss, grabbing her back, and pulled her into a tight embrace.


As I clicked on the button on my screen, I took a heavy breath, and leaned back on the couch. Fifty applications in one day. I needed a new job, as I quit my last one. It was afternoon on a Monday, and I had promised Harmony that I would be a stay-at-home dad today. I didn't want to send Hayden to the day care, I wanted to watch him at home. Maybe spend some time with him. In all honesty, I felt I haven't been fair to him in regards to blaming his inherited face of mine and forced my unconscious past towards him. And in result of that, possibly creating an accidental biasness between him and Ramie. And I wanted to make it up for that. I don't want to hate my own son.

I then moved my gaze towards him, who was dancing and singing to a children tv show. I smiled looking at his figure.

"Hey bud."

He stopped, looking at me. "Hi daddy."

"You hungry?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

"You want some sandwich?"

He nodded again. "Yeah."

I smiled slightly, stood up from the couch, patted his head and made my way towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge, took out the ingredients for sandwiches and started to prepare our lunch on the kitchen island. As I was busy preparing, suddenly I heard the tv was changed to another channel. I looked up towards the living room, and saw he changed the channel to an education channel.

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