Chapter 24. Monster Beast Giran

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After Nam and Ranfan's fight, the sky began to turn grey, but that did not put a hold on the Tournament.

Announcer: Now, let's get the next match started! Without further ado, let me introduce the last two quarter-finalists! The winner of this match will go on to face Nam in the semifinals! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Goku and Giran!!

Oolong: Oh yeah, that's our boy! Do it, Goku!

Bulma: Giran...? I wonder who that is...

Puar: Come on, Goku! You can beat him!

Giran who also happened to be a large dinosour beast walked out of the contestant hall and onto the arena and roared out feeling confident.

Oolong: Oh good... He's just a monster. And to think I was worried...

Goku then followed right behind him and walked onto the stage, happy and ready to go.

Goku: HI everyone...! My name's Goku!

Bulma: Yeah! Hey! We know your name, you big ham!

Seeing his opponent being nothing but a child, Giran began to snicker and giggle to himself.

Announcer: Now, fighters ready?

Goku and Giran got into their fighting stance ready for battle and the crowd began cheering, excited for the battle.

Announcer: Beeeegin! Hm?

And just before he could announce the fight rain drops began falling from the sky and grey clouds gathered, thunder began to rumble. Once the rain began falling down harshly the crowd's smile turned upside down.

Some of the people began to panic and rush off while the announcer checked in with the director.

Announcer: So what do you think?

Director: Woof....

The announcer came back to share the news with the crowd and fighters that were still there waiting anxiously to know if the fight would take place.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the director has not postponed the match as of yet! The match is still in progress!

The rain wasn't gonna end anytime soon so the crowd began to leave and that is when the director had a change of plan.

Announcer: Wait a minute! I have a new ruling from the director. The match has been postponed and will resume when there is a break in the weather!

The announcement fell on dull ears when it came to the fighters in the ring. Both fighters just stared at each other not moving.

Announcer: Appearantly the fighters didn't hear the announcement over the storm!

He cleared his throat and spoke up again this time directed at the fighters.

Announcer: Ahem! Goku! Giran! Your match has been postponed until a later time!

Finally everyone left the stage and they all went into a restaurant/bar that was big enough for fighters and the people around to stay at until the rain stopped.

Haru, Goku, and the rest all gathered up in one table apart from Master Roshi who was nowhere to be found.

Yamcha: Well, I'm glad it started raining! I've got a bad feeling about that Giran guy, Goku! I don't think he deals from a straight deck! I'd keep my eye on him!

Hearing Yamcha's remarks all eyes on the table turned to face him.

Goku: Hm? You mean he cheats!

Yamcha: Mm, hm! That's what I heard some guys saying during the elimination round! Just don't let your guard down!

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