Chapter One - Straight Through The Heart

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Starting a new school at the beginning of senior year was tougher than I thought it would be. Even though we moved during the summer, I didn't really go out of my way to meet new people. Though I did find an online community for the local music scene a town over.

Once school started I didn't really go out of my way to meet people. It has only been a month or so, but It was only a few weeks in that Skip Hoffman found out I was trans from following me to the gender neutral bathroom. I was told I had to use it as my own bathroom and for changing by the principal. The small good part was the school was at least trying, more than my last school did. Though even with staff on my side, I was still outcasted and bullied by Skip and his friends. I doubt I would have tried to make friends, but now it seemed the chance had slipped away anyways.

Classes were normal, boring and full of work. Luckily I'm a mostly good student, so I get my work done in class to not have homework. Though I do spend a lot of time in class drawing as well, but I still pay attention to most of the class.

When my science class rolled around we were told we will work in random assigned partners doing a lab with chemicals. She began reading the list of partners she had and each set went to a different table in the back of the room.

"Maxwell Kelso and Kevin Schleib," the teacher called and I stood up. I looked around and spotted the boy who also stood before walking back to a table with him.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard of you," he stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh I'm sorry, I mean, I just heard about.. You.. But I don't judge!" he began and I shrugged a bit.

"It's fine." I stated.

The teacher handed out packets of information to each table and silenced the students before going over what we had to do. When they were done, the room filled with talking once again from the partners.

"So, do you want to pour or hold the beaker over the fire?" Kevin asked me.

"Pour," I replied. We began doing the experiment from the packet.

"So Maxwell," Kevin started but I interrupted him.

"Just Max is fine."

"Okay Max, you're new right? How do you like it here?" he asked.

"It's fine I guess, no worse than my last school," I admitted.

"Have you made any friends?" he asked. I wondered why this boy was asking these questions, but I didn't really mind.

"Not really, haven't talked to many people."

"Well, I'll be your friend."

"Okay, cool." I poured the chemicals into the beaker he held with tongs over the fire. Soon we had the reaction the teacher wanted and we wrote down the information we needed to in the packet.

"That wasn't so hard," Kevin said.

"Science rarely is," I told him, though maybe I was just good at it, I wasn't sure.

"Maybe for you," he replied, confirming my thoughts. "Do you want to sit at my table for lunch?" he asked and I shrugged a bit.

"Yeah, why not," I agreed. Soon the teacher was collecting our work as the class neared its end.

"Can I have your number?" Kevin asked, pulling out his phone. I took it and put my number and name in. "Thanks."

Soon it was Lunch and I had my lunch box that had a salad, crackers and cheese, a pudding cup, and a ham cheese and bacon sandwich. As I walked through the cafeteria a bit, my eyes scanned the tables before I saw Kevin give a wave. I made my way over and sat the lunch box on the table across from Kevin. Soon a boy wearing all black and a Dio t shirt joined us. He had long hair with one side shaved, and it looked good. He placed his foot on the seat to my right and rested his arms on his knee.

"Kevin," he paused then looked over to me and stood back up normally. "Aren't you the trans kid?" he asked, I could see the glare Kevin gave the boy.

"Yeah. What about it?" I asked with a slight annoyance in my tone.

"Nothing, just wanted to be sure I was right." he put his hands up in defense and I rolled my eyes slightly. "You're in my math and gym class. Heard what Skip did." he continued.

"And who are you anyways?" I cut him off

"Only second place winners in the battle of the bands, Skullflower. I'm Hunter," he grinned and honestly his smile was the most attractive I had ever seen. He held out his hand and I ignored it.

"Second place?" I asked with a small smirk.

"Hey, it was really close. You should have seen us," he argued.

"Guess you have to get a gig, or give me a private show." Before he could reply, a badass girl with a lunch tray in her hands, a black dress, and cute boots came up to us.

"Who's the new kid?" she asked as she sat down next to Kevin and kissed his cheek.

"This is Max," Kevin tells her. I waved, then opened my lunch box and took out my food.

"Emily," she told me.

"Nice to meet you." I said before taking a bite from my sandwich.

"Anyways, Kevin, my dad is going away for a bit, so we should do something fun with him gone," he said going back to what he came here to say.

"We could set up a D&D campaign? Or have a party."

"No party, don't want anyone from here not at this table in my house." Hunter finally sat in the seat next to me, though he had no food.

"Want my cheese and crackers?" I offered before eating more of my sandwich. I always pack a bit too much and end up saving some for a snack after school.

"You sure?" I nodded at him since my mouth was full. He took the crackers and cheese and began to eat as well. By the time we all finished our food, lunch was coming to an end.

A Rainbow In The Dark ♡ MLM Hunter Sylvester x Male!OCWhere stories live. Discover now