Chapter Three - King Of Rock And Roll

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((A/N These chapters are kind of short so far and I'm sorry! I don't use first person often but I hope you are enjoying the story so far!! I have quite a few chapters plotted out and in the process of writing)) 

Saturday, finally. It was a day off and away from school. I enjoyed spending my Saturdays playing video games or going out to shows normally. Though now that I was in a new area I didn't really know what shows were around. So once I woke up, I ate some cereal, put on a band t shirt and baggy pants, then sat at my PC.

I only spent about an hour on a game before my phone dinged with a new text. I figured it must be Kevin or Izzy, since I had no other friends, at least not ones who had my phone number. I picked up the phone and unlocked it to see who texted me.

'Hey its hunter kevin gave me your number, hope you dont mind' the text read. I smiled slightly as I began to type back.

'Not at all, whats up?'

'Wondering if you wanna hang'

'With you? Sure'

'Cool, come on over,' he sent an address as well and I plugged it into my phone. I then shut down my game and got my shoes on. When I left the house I saw that my dad's car was gone, he was often out working late hours so I wasn't too surprised. I climbed into my van and began the short drive to the address the boy had sent. I parked on the street near his driveway not wanting to risk blocking anyone in the real driveway. Then I got out and locked the van before walking up to the front door and ringing the bell.

"Who are you?" the older man who opened the door asked.

"Uh, Max. Hunter's friend," I told him.

"He got another? Don't know how," he groaned before moving out of the way. "Hunter you have a visitor!" the man yelled as I walked into the house. "He's in the basement," he said pointing me to the door. I wasn't sure why he had to yell at Hunter if he was just going to show me the way himself but oh well. I made my descent down the stairs and saw Hunter sitting on a seat with his guitar in his lap. He strummed a bit before looking up at me and smiling.

"Glad you could make it," he greeted as he put his guitar away.

"Yeah, got any plans for us?" I asked as I sat on a seat near the stairs.

"Not really. Kevin and Emily are off on a date."

"Oh so I'm just here because they're busy, I see," I teased with a slight smirk.

"Not at all, I invited you before I knew what they were doing." he smirked back.

"Thought your dad was going away."

"He is, Wednesday, but he will be gone two weeks, two awesome weeks to myself," he grinned as he put up two fingers.

"Bet it'll be fun."

"Better be," he chuckled as he put his arms behind his head and leaned back in his seat. "Why not put on some music?" he added, pointing to the stereo and loads of disks. I got up and went over, after browsing each case for a moment, I chose a Judas Priest album and popped it into the stereo. The music began to fill the room and I turned the volume up slightly more. I then returned to my original seat. "Good choice."

"Thanks, nice selection," I complimented. "I love metal, and really anything in the alternative genre, especially punk and rock."

"I mostly just enjoy metal."

"Well, that's great but you might wanna broaden your horizons," I told him and he chuckled a bit. "Know anything about the local music scene?" I asked.

"Pretty sure it's just Kev, Emilly, and me. No one seems cool enough to even like metal," he chuckled once again.

"Every area has some kind of music scene, even if it isn't right on top of you," I told him with an eye roll.

"Yeah? Prove it."

"I will, give me your laptop." 

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