Chapter Seventeen - I Speed At Night

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When I arrived at the park, I parked in the same spot as the first. I sighed to myself before climbing into the back of the van. I curled up into the bed that I first complimented him on. The memories filled my mind, meeting him, running away together, our first kiss. I began to cry. I pulled a pillow to my face and let myself cry into it. I didn't bother to watch the time, but when I felt I needed water I sat up and got myself a bottle. My face still felt wet and my nose had gotten runny. I took some tissues and wiped my nose before tossing them in a small garbage bag. I decided I should smoke to feel better but as I searched for my bowl I found a shirt recently worn by Hunter. Part of me wanted to throw it out the window, or light it on fire. But instead the other part of me won and I took it close to me and pressed it to my face. I felt tears forming again as I cuddled into the shirt for a moment. I then threw it on the bed a bit back so I wouldn't see it anymore.

I found a joint before my bowl so I lit the end and began to smoke it. I turned the music on in the van playing a cd Izzy had made to help herself over heartbreak, she gave it to me when I was leaving since I hadn't had my first heartbreak. I think I am finally having it. I wanted to text her, tell her what had been happening, I hadn't been talking to her as much as I found a life here. Though I did know she had a girlfriend so probably was just as busy lately. I hope she doesn't end up needing this cd back after this one.

Once the joint was out I put it in a small jar I kept for the joint ends. I then laid flat on the bed listening to the music. Soon I drifted to sleep.

When I woke up school had been over for a few hours, and it was dark outside. I hadn't planned to sleep that long, but I must have needed it. I wasn't sleeping well since that day, dad was still gone so I was alone in the house. I decided I had no reason to be home quickly anyways and I needed some kind of dinner. So I climbed to the front of the van and drove to a burger place that had a drive through. The roads were clear from the nightfall, and I felt myself pressing a little harder on the gas. Maybe it was therapeutic, maybe it was just dangerous and stupid. Though the burger place wasn't too far.

"One plain double cheeseburger and a large fry. Also a cookies and cream shake," I ordered when I got to the speaker.

"Pull around for your total," the speaker replied and I did as told, paying with my debit card my dad set up to put my allowance in.

When I got the food I headed home to eat but saw a familiar car in my driveway. Kevins. So I parked near it and began to eat in the car, lighting up another joint as well. With my luck Kevin had brought Hunter to try and mend the bridge. I wasn't sure but I didn't want to be hungry or sober if he did.

Once my food was gone, so was the joint, and most of the shake. I then took the meds from my weekly pill case. When I felt ready I turned the van off and got out, locking it behind me. I took a deep breath in before I walked up and into my house which was unlocked. I wondered if Kevin found the hidden key. When I opened the door he was on the couch alone.

"Kevin?" I asked as I sat my bag down and took off my shoes.

"Hey. I know you didn't really want to talk but, I just want to be here for you, and know what even happened, Hunter will only tell me so much," he said as he stood up.

"Are you alone?" I asked.

"Yeah, Emily said she didn't want you to feel bombarded."

"Hunter isn't with you?"

"No, I didn't really talk to him after he told me what happened today."

"What did he tell you?"

"That you yelled at Skip, and everyone downstairs saw really. And you ran off and he followed you. That he wished he was able to have gone with you. But he didn't say why you yelled at Skip, and won't open up a lot about why you've been distant to us all. But I really don't want to pressure or upset you."

"Honestly?" I sighed. "I guess I do want to talk," I said as I sat on the couch by him, he sat back down as well.

"Okay, well. What happened?"

"Skip has been bullying me since I got here, the first time Hunter was around he helped me run off. But when we were together at lunch, he didn't stand up for me. He listened to Skip call me names and said nothing, and wouldn't even agree to dating me in front of him. Left me alone on the floor, until I ran." I whipped my eyes slightly. "Then today Skip picked on me again, alone, and I snapped! I screamed at him and don't even remember what," I began to cry. Kevin put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"That is awful, I know Hunter can be.. Well he can be a dick. A lot of the time. Honestly normally more than you have seen. Last year he provoked Emily until she threw books at him," he chuckled a bit. "Just. He seems sorry, he won't shut up about how he needs to apologize and talk to you."

"I guess maybe I'll reach out to him when I feel calmer."

"Did you take your meds? Emily said she could help remind you if you need."

"Yeah I ate in my car and took them. Tell her thanks, give her my number too if you haven't." I thought for a moment. "Tell me more about Hunter," I tilted my head at him.

He spent a good two hours telling me about the two's life story along with the roller coaster that was their last year and journey with metal. I honestly felt like I understood him a bit better, and was surprised he hadn't really pushed me away much, he seemed like a harsh person to get close to. When he was pretty much done his mom texted him that he had to be home soon. So we said our goodbyes and he left in his car. I picked up my bag and made my way up into my bedroom. I threw my bag in the corner and stretched my arms up before hearing a tapping on my window. 

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