Chapter Seven - I Could Have Been A Dreamer

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Sunday morning. We had gotten home about ten at night and all crashed in Hunter's basement. I slept on a small couch, and by the time I woke up Kevin and Emily had already left at some point. I pulled out my phone to check the time, nine am. I looked over to Hunter sleeping in a bean bag chair and I smiled slightly. Maybe it was time I accepted this crush that was developing. At least, enough to not feel so nervous.

I had spent a lot of time down here lately and Hunter said his laptop was free to use anytime. So while I waited for the boy to wake up I opened the laptop and scoured forums and my socials. I followed a photographer from the area who had been there too and took many photos. I was able to find one that had Hunter and me behind the couple who were in the center. I saved the photo on the laptop and cropped it to see us only. I smiled and made the photo the wallpaper on the laptop. I spent another hour or more reading blogs about the show and decided to update my own profile with info about it,

When Hunter finally woke up he looked around before speaking. "Where'd Emily and Kev go?" he asked.

"Home, I assume. I never saw them leave."

"You stayed?"

"Yeah, been checking out the blogs on the show, even found this photo," I told him before turning the laptop to show the photo to him.

"That's awesome!" he exclaimed, taking the device from me and looking closer. "What about the band's page?"

"Let's see," I pulled up the site and it had new photos on the front page from the night before.

"I fucking loved the drummers hair."

"Yeah? You'd rock pink hair," I told him truthfully.

"Yeah? I've never dyed it before," he admitted.

"Really? It would look cool in any color. I used to do mine monthly, sometimes even weekly. But figured I would start fresh here with my natural brown hair."

"What if you dyed my hair?"

"That would be fun, but maybe just streaks or tips, I don't think you should commit to whole head on your first dye," I chuckled.

"Okay, tips, and maybe a streak in the front. What color?"

"Red, or maybe purple," I suggested.

"I like red, let's do it!" he got up.

"What, like now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, where do we buy the supplies?"

"I'll drive," I pulled myself up and led the way out to the van. As we got in we buckled up and I could see another grin on Hunter's face. Honestly I bought a lot of my hair dye cheap at drug stores so it was never great quality. But Hunter had such long and nice hair I decided to drive to a real hair supply store. When we got to the strip mall area that had the shop in it I parked close to the door.

"This the place?" he asked.

"Yup," I said as I unbuckled and climbed out of the van, Hunter doing the same. We entered the building and looked around for a moment before I found the bleach and non natural hair dye. "Pick any you like, preferably of these ones," I pointed to the Lunar Tides jars on the shelf (Great hair dye, should buy it!) He hummed softly as he looked over his choices.

"The purples do look good, but I'm going with this one," he said taking a jar off the shelf and reading the top. "Blood Moon."

"Perfect," I grabbed my own hair dye color, Cyan Sky. Then I grabbed some bleach and a less harsh lightener for Hunter.

"I wanna buy both, you bought the merch last night," Hunter commented and I nodded.

"Yeah sure." We walked to the check out and the boy rang us up. Hunter paid for the items and we went out to the van.

"My dad would have a fit if we make any kind of mess," Hunter commented as he buckled in.

"My dad isn't home, but if he was he's pretty used to this. So let's just do it at my house." 

A Rainbow In The Dark ♡ MLM Hunter Sylvester x Male!OCWhere stories live. Discover now