Chapter Sixteen - Rebel Angel

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It has been two days of me not talking to Hunter, the first two days since we met that we didn't talk. Today just felt awful and it was only gym class. I felt like I was going to scream, or snap, or something. I just didn't want to be here, but of course I was in the bathroom changing instead of somewhere else. My phone went off from a text and I checked it, this time it was Kevin.

'Hey you ok? Havent heard from you and only know what hunter has told me, which isnt a lot.' the text read

'Im not ok i guess, but I dont really want to talk about it.' I replied

'Well im here for you and so is emily. Any way I can help?'

'I'll be fine, I started my meds again yesterday. So just a matter of time I guess' I put the phone away in my bag after I changed into my gym clothes. Just like most other days Skip was outside of the bathroom waiting, this time completely alone. He shoved me down before I had a chance to think.

"Time to finish what I started, freak," Skip said, pulling his arm back for a punch. I quickly kicked up into the boy's crotch and he fell to his knees quickly. I pulled myself to my feet before I snapped and screamed at the top of my lungs for a few seconds. I then let words spill from my mouth without thinking or stopping them.

"Fuck off! You fucking asshole, acting like you are some how better than me! You fucking arent! Just leave me the fuck alone!!" I yelled at him as students came out of classes to see what was happening. I looked around for a moment and saw Hunter at the front of a group looking at me. He stepped forward and I turned away. I ran past some people to the exit with some yelling behind me.

"Maxwell Kelso!" The gym teacher yelled at me as I ran.

"Max!" I heard Hunter scream as well.

"Hunter Syltvester! Both of you come back!" the teacher yelled again. I kept running, holding my bag tightly before I got to my van and climbed in.

"Max," Hunter called for me again as he got closer. "Max please, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just. I can't do this. I can't be here,'' I said frantically and a bit annoyed.

"Go to the park then. Breath and smoke," he told me calmly. "Be safe," he added before turning and walking back to the school.I almost asked him to come with me, he was still being so kind. With a sigh I rolled up my window and pulled out of the school parking lot. I drove as fast as I could to the park he took me to the first time we left together. 

A Rainbow In The Dark ♡ MLM Hunter Sylvester x Male!OCWhere stories live. Discover now