Chapter Eight - Babbling Idiot

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Arriving at my house, things were as expected with an empty driveway. I parked in my spot leaving room for another car. He did mention he had another out of town meeting but I didn't pay attention to when it was. We both climbed out and Hutner carried the bag of hair items. My house was a small two story, the bottom floor having the kitchen and living room, our dining table being in the kitchen. The stairs in the living room lead to the two bedrooms upstairs, my dads and mine. He had a bathroom attached to his room so the single one in the hallway near my room was pretty much mine. I lead Hunter up to the bathroom before cleaning off the counter near my sink.

"Put it all here for now, we need hair dyeing clothes," I stated and he did as told.

"What kind?" he asked.

"I have some basketball shorts that are good for this since they barely get worn. I also have my old hair dye shirt. It's a white shirt from a concert I went to with Izzy, she has a matching one. We wear them when dying our hair so they get colorful."

"That's a fun idea, have an extra?" he asked.

"Not one besides mine, but I may have a shirt of mine you could make into yours," I said as I left the bathroom.

"Really? You'd give me a shirt?" he asked.

"Hunter, I've given you clothes before,"

"But that was Izzy's not yours," he chuckled.

"I guess," I rolled my eyes. "But, really, I have enough clothes so I can give mine too. Just may not fit you." He looked like a small to medium shirt and small pants kind of guy. Sure he was tall, but he was skinny. I was somewhere in the middle. No one considered me thin or skinny, but most of it was in my hips which caused massive dysphoria at times. So I wore large shirts and medium to larger pants. I'm also short so cargo shorts were my best friend.

I opened my bedroom door and we both walked in. There was a walk-in closet on the right wall, and my bed on a frame with shelves underneath was in the right corner right at the end of the closet door. The left side had a desk for my pc, and a lot of my miscellaneous items, along with a window right of the pc that led out to a large tree. I have yet to try and climb out and down, but I plan to. Between the window and the far wall was also my tv. The wall straight from us had a slanted ceiling from the roof that brought it low to the bed, but I never minded. I had string lights on the slanted ceiling along with a trans flag. The night stand by my bed had a green lava lamp and my favorite bong. The top drawer of the nightstand held a lot of other smoking things. The walls were covered in posters of known bands we saw in concert, and many local bands from my old home. Almost all local ones were signed and a few bigger ones like Bikini Kill were signed too.

"Nice," Hunter said looking around. "Can't believe I've never been here."

"I didn't have it fully decorated until maybe a few days ago," I admitted. I opened my closet door, most of my shirts were on hangers on the sides, and a dresser was against the wall in the back. I often changed in here so a lot of clothes were scattered on the ground along with all of my shoes. I opened the second to bottom drawer and dug around before finding my hair dye shirt. I then dug around more and found a white shirt from a Green Day concert. "Perfect," I mumbled before standing up and going through another drawer for two pairs of shorts. "Here," I said as I handed the shirt and red shorts to him.

"Thanks," he replied.

"Also, bottom drawer is more Izzy clothes I had found when unpacking inside, you're free to any of it." I added. "You can change in there, I'll use the bathroom." he nodded and went into the closet. I left the room to go to the bathroom and changed into my new outfit. When done I waited in the hallway until he came out.

A Rainbow In The Dark ♡ MLM Hunter Sylvester x Male!OCWhere stories live. Discover now