Chapter Nine - Chalis

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Halloween falling on a Friday was a fun occurrence, especially since this year we had found out about a large party. It was an outdoor costume party in the woods. I dressed as a male Cheerleader in a white and blue outfit with short shorts and a tight shirt. I talked Hunter into wearing a matching red outfit but he insisted on pants not shorts. Kevin and Emily were Shaggy and Velma, which was cute. The other two took Kevin's car while Hunter and I took my van. We did park right next to each other though.

The trees had many decorations and spooky things in them along with lights. There were speakers all over with music playing loudly. There was also an area with a lot of snacks and drinks on tables. It looked like the whole school and then some were at this party. The four of us stood near the snack and drink tables, I held a cup with liquor and cider in one hand, and a donut in the other. My eyes scanned the costumed people dancing.

"This is fun," Kevin yelled with a smile.

"Not really," Hunter shrugged. "Music sucks."

"Drinks and donuts don't," I chimed in after downing my drink and taking another bite of the donut.

"Guess I need a drink to deal with this trash," he said as he grabbed a cup and filled with liquor. I took my cup and did the same adding some cider to mine too. The other two gathered their drinks too.

"Want to dance?" I yelled to Hunter after finishing my second drink.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah why not?"

"I don't really dance."

"Me either," I chuckled as I grabbed his hands and tugged him away from the table. I felt the alcohol flowing through my body as I danced, probably badly. I looked at Hunter who seemed to be chuckling a bit.

"I think you're done drinking," he yelled as he took my hand.

"One more drink please?" I pleaded and he shrugged.

"Fine but I'm driving tonight," he agreed and we went back to the table that wasn't far. I took another donut as he filled a cup for me. It didn't take long for me to finish both things and feel heavily intoxicated. I wasn't a heavy drinker, especially since I was a bit of a lightweight.

"I think I'm ready to lay," I chuckled before leaning into Hunter. I wasn't dizzy yet, but I definitely wasn't very stable.

"Let's get going then," Hunter said as he wrapped an arm around me to support me and began walking. I smiled a bit as I walked with him to the van. I hadn't really had a friend be there for me like this besides Izzy. He opened the side door and I climbed in and sat on the bed. I felt myself start to laugh a bit as I thought about things happening. "What?" he asked.

"Just, thinking about my life," I chuckled a bit. "How things have changed, from moving, then to meeting you. How things got better," I said as I laid on my back and sighed. "How thankful I am." I heard the door shut as Hunter sat on the bed and laid by me, facing me. I turned my head to face him.

"I'm glad we met too," he smiled at me. I stared at his face for a moment, between his smiling lips, and lovely eyes. I reached out and sat my hand on his cheek for a moment.

"You're so pretty," I said softly before my eyes shut and I was out cold. 

A Rainbow In The Dark ♡ MLM Hunter Sylvester x Male!OCWhere stories live. Discover now