Spin the bottle

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RP~Random Person
You had a big crush on a boy named Kobe he has hazel eyes and he super cute. You was at a party with him and everyone at the party was playing spin the bottle. It was Your friends idea

Zoe: let's spin the bottle

Y/n: uh sure

K: yeah I guess we could play

RP: yeah we should

RP: I don't see why not

RP: I wanna play

Zoe: ok well I guess we'll play

You all sat down in a circle

Zoe: I'll spin first

She span the bottle and it landed on a guy his name was Vallyk he was you boy best friend.

V: well I guess we gotta kiss

Zoe: yeah I guess

The then kiss

Zoe: ok Y/n: it's your turn

Y/n: ok I guess

You span the bottle it landed on Kobe. Kobe smiled and said.

K: so we gon kiss or what

You smile and gave him a passionate kiss with tongue. He grabbed the Side of you neck and caressed it you did the same

Y/n: mh

K:mm mm you taste so good

He said breaking the kiss

You giggle

EV: aww

He whispered in your ear

K: You wanna take this elsewhere

Y/n: mhm

K:ok let's go

He said grabbing you hand. you and Kobe got up and said bye to everyone the left. Once you got to his house he picked you up and took you upstairs, he threw you on the bed and pulled your pants along with your panties.

He then started to eat you out

Y/n: mh right there Kobe

He went faster making you squirt

Y/n: fuck I'm sorry

K: is this you first time

Y/n: yes but will it hurt

K: it will hurt but we don't have do it if you don't want to

Y/n: I wanna do it

K: ok

He the inserted it inside of you. You instantly started bleeding

Y/n: ah ouch that hurts

K: I'm sorry we probably shouldn't do this

Y/n: no we can do it

K: fine but if you get hur-

Y/n: I'll be fine

K: whatever you say

He then inserted his dick inside of you. Hit hurt to the point where tears were fall from you face. After a while it's started to feel good.

Y/n: fuck you can go f-fa-fas-faster

K: ok

He said grinning. He then slammed inside of you

Y/n: mh fuck just like T-That

He kept going at the same pace. He the places his thumb on your clit and rubbed it.

Y/n: ah mh

K: your so fucking tight

He kept rubbing your clit and then you said

Y/n: daddy I have to cum

K: hold it I'm almost close

Y/n: ok daddy

K: fuck

Y/n: you like it when I call you that *moans*

K: yes baby girl

You kept saying dirty thing and soon he said

K: ma I finna nut

Y/n: ok let's cum at the same time

K: no I'm not ready for kids

Y/n: just do it On the count of 3


Y/n & K: 3

Y/n & K: 2

Y/n & K: 1

You both had came

K: just so you know I just wanted to fuck

Y/n: oh ok

K: sorry but I'm not ready for kids

Y/n: I'm on birth control dummy, why else would I let you do that

K:oh dam my bad

Y/n: got something to wipe this off with

K: I think it should stay it looks good on you

Y/n: ok

With that you both went to sleep

This was good-ish for the first story

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