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Wrote this in class

K: hey teach

Y/n: hey Kobe

Kobe smirked and sat at his seat

Y/n: ok so today we are going to be solving for X

The class: nooo

Y/n: why not

Someone raised their hand

Y/n: yes

Student: why do we have to do this

Y/n: well if you don't wanna do it you can get an f

K: bruh why tho nobody wants to do this is shit

Y/n: Mr. Morris I will not tolerate the language one more strike you are staying with me after class

Y/n: now this is how you solve-

K: this dick

The class: hahaha


Kobe went silent along with the whole class

Y/n: ok so now who can solve this problem X=20•5

The Smart kid raised their hand

Y/n: ok Levi go ahead

Smart kid: X=4

Y/n: good job. Now we are having a practice test it is not graded it's just to see what you know for now. So take one pass it down

You say and you passed a thick piece of paper down

Kobe raised his hand. You walked over to him

Y/n: yes Kobe

K: um well I don't understand

Y/n: ok so I'm not supposed to help you but I can tutor you on this when you stay after class

K: ok

Kobe smirked. You looked at him weird and walked back to your desk. You then feel eyes staring at your ass but you just brushed it off. The bell then rang.

Y/n: ok class is over whatever you have please turn it in

Everyone but Kobe left

Y/n: ok so what do you wanna start with

K: um what we learned in class today and work our way down I guess

Y/n: ok get your books out

K: ok

He got out his books and put them on the desk

Y/n: so have you been studying any of this at all

K: no

He said looking embarrassed

Y/n: it's ok you don't have to be embarrassed

You said rubbing his back. He love when you did that.

K: Ms. Y/l/n

Y/n: yes

K: um would you mind doing a favor for me

Y/n: like what

K: um *chuckle* well could you fuck me

He said with a smirk on his face

Y/n: excuse me what did you just say

K: (smirking) you know what I said

K: *whispering* fuck....me....teach

Y/n: Kobe I- ykw I might have to reconsider. But wait how old are you

K: I'm 18 tomorrow teach

Y/n: fine

You then started to make out with him

K: you taste so good

You smile and got on your knees. He pulled out his dick. Before you started you smirked at him and licked the tip

K: s-stop teasing me

With that You put all of his length in your mouth and began bobbing your head

K: teacher y-your so good

He the grabbed your hair in ponytail form and move you head up and down

Y/n: hssbgsbszgdbdbhshsnska

K: mh I-I'm boutta n-nut

Then a warm liquid pumped into your mouth. You swallowed all of his cum. 

K: your turn

He picked you up, threw you on the desk and began to eat you out. You were a moaning mess.

Y/n: mh j-just like that

You squirted all on his face. He licked it all up

K: you taste so good

You smile, laid on your stomach and arched

Y/n: fuck me daddy

Kobe then slammed his dick in side of you.

Y/n: mh fu-fuck

K: your s-so tight

Then there was a knock on the door. You both stoped and put your clothes on. Once you both had on all of your clothes on you went to answer the door. It was the principal


P: what is all of that noise

Y/n: oh th-that was just me I tripped and I screamed a little but I'm better now

P: ok I guess

K: hey Mr: H

P: hello Mr: Morris why are you in Ms: Y/l/n class, right now it is lunch

K: she was tutoring me and I had gotten lunch detention in her class

P: ok well bye and Y/l/n be more careful


(If you want it)

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