Birthday Sexxx

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It was your birthday morning, you were     in bed asleep until you felt your pants and underwear coming off. You knew it was Kobe, so you kept your eyes closed.

Kobe's POV
  It was my gfs birthday. I want her to feel special. So I'm going to start by giving her "morning head".

I get under the sheets and pull her pants and underwear off. I look at her pussy for a few minutes, then I began to eat her out.

End of Kobe's POV

Y/n's POV
  I felt what feels like Kobe's tongue eating my pussy. I wanted to moan, but I want him to think I'm sleeping.

His tongue was going in loops, in and out of my pussy, and even biting my clit. I start to whimper.

I hoped he didn't hear me.

Kobe: mama you up

Me: no?

He started laughing.

Me: what's funny

Kobe: you acting like you sleeping is funny

Me: whatever

Kobe: so, your birthday

Me: idk

Kobe: well I do so let's get up

Me: why can't you just keep giving me headddd

Kobe: you will get more later

Me: ok😔

Kobe: mama I'm sorry but we have to get you ready I have a lot for you and imma give it to you

Me: like what

Kobe: it's a surprise

Me: you know ion like surprises

Kobe: yea I know but that's what will make this fun

Me: why are you so hype

Kobe: why are you not?

Me: bc birthdays in my family we never celebrated them we just continued our day like any other day

Kobe: well that stops here. I want "my girl" to be pampered on her day

Me: you fr

Kobe: yes I'm being so fr

Me: ok well then what are we doing first

Kobe: I'm taking you to get your hair  and nails done

Me: ouu we should get matching nails

Kobe: whatever you want you can have. I want you to feel like the most important woman in the world.

Me: aww

Kobe: now let's get in the shower

Me: yay

End of  Y/n's POV

You and Kobe went to the bathroom. You were about take your clothes off but Kobe interrupted you.

K: your not doing anything I'm doing it for you.

Y/n: why tho

K: because today is supposed to be about you and only you

Y/n: ok

Kobe took your clothes off for you.

K: now let's get in

Y/n: ok

Y'all go in a started washing up.

K: you still want your morning head

Y/n: yes but, I wanna do it in the bed not here

K: ok

Y/n: can you wash my back

K: yea do also want me to wash your hair

Y/n: ouu yes please

K: ok

Kobe washed you hair and back. After y'all were done taking a shower Kobe threw you on the bed.

He took a moment and looked at your curves.

K: damn your body is perfect

You blushed at the comment.

K: now do you want head or dick

Y/n: can I have head now and dick later on tonight

K: sounds like a plan

He got on his knees and started to eat you out. He spat on your pussy and slurped it right back up. He put his tongue in and out of your hole making you squirt.

Y/n: mm just like t-that

K: can you squirt for me again

He said slapping your pussy(not hard slapping)

Y/n: mhm

He stuck two of his fingers inside of you. Making you squirt again.

Y/n: daddy I'm going to cum

K: cum for me mama

He started to use his tongue again going faster than before, soon you cama all over his fingers and tongue.

Y/n: bae come here

K: yes mama

Y/n: I love you so much

K: I love you too

I'll make part 2 on Friday

Recommendation from @soraismine232

Also happy birthday? early birthday? Or late birthday? Idk😭

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