Summer vacation

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You and your friends decided to go on vacation since you all were on summer break. Y'all planned the trip in April so you could just be ready wen you go. Y'all are seniors so this would probably be your last summer with your friends.

Y/n: Cory I'm so excited to go on this trip

*Cory is a girl, she is gay, has secret feelings for you, and HATES Kobe

C: yes we need this vacation them teachers was getting on me nerves

Y/n: fr all I want to do is relax on the beach

C: same girl same well who else is coming on the trip

Y/n: well all my guy friends like Sora, Jaiden, Ballo, Aya, Jas, Luci, Jai, Kobe-

C: why does he have to come

Y/n: who Kobe

C: yes I just don't like him

Y/n: what is there not to like about him he's fine, perfect, nice-

C: he is not nice- well not to me

Y/n: wdym half the time you say things that are not nice to him

C: oh so your on his side wow

Y/n: sides; what do you mean sides

C: what I mean is that I'm your best friend you should always be on my side no matter what

Y/n: that does not mean that

C: whatever imma go home

Y/n: ight whatever, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7

C: ight bye

She left so you ft Kobe

Ongoing call

Y/n: hey daddy

K: mh I like dat

Y/n: I know I'm teasing you baby

K: why

Y/n: idk I just like it

K: can you set the phone up I wanna see your body

Y/n: ight

You set the camera up so he could see

K: dam dat ass fat

Y/n: it's not that fat

K: yes it is I'm finna come over

Y/n: ight bye bae

K: bye mama

Call ended

You then sit on your bed watching TikTok. You then came across a TikTok with one of you best friends since you were in kindergarten making out with your crush Kobe. 

( she is coming on the trip)

You saw the comments


Y/nsbaby: I thought Y/n and Kobe were together

Sunnysbae: shippp 🚢🛳️⛴️

You then cried to yourself and counted watching TikTok. Soon you got a knock on the door knowing that it was Kobe.

K: hey beautiful

Y/n: go away aren't you and sunny together

K: no why would you think that

Y/n: I saw the video of y'all kissing

K: oh that video I'm sorry I knew the camera was there and I just didn't want to make her look bad

Y/n: are you sure because I'm pretty sure you don't even like me

K: I do I just like sunny more

Y/n: why

K: well she's smart, beautiful and I love the way she kisses me

Y/n: so the why are you here you have her

K: but you see that's the thing she don't got all dat ass and dem tiddies

Y/n: but your still with her...

K: it's summer vacation

Y/n: I know, but I'm not going to be nobody's side peice

K: how about this I'll break up with sunny for you

Y/n: she's my best friend she would hate me

K: we you'd have me

Y/n: true but...

K: but what

Y/n: nothing

K: ight well whatchu trynna do

Y/n: anything you want

K: ight well go upstairs I'll be up inna Min

Y/n: ok daddy

She definitely getting played

You then go upstairs and sat on the bed. Kobe then came in.

K: mama can we cuddle

Y/n: mhm come here

He came over on the bed, you both got some blanket, and cuddled. You were laying on his chest while his hand was massaging your but

Y/n: mh why do you keep rubbing my butt

K: it's soft

Y/n: whatever I'm going to sleep

K: me too

You both drift off into sleep.

In the morning

You woke up first

Y/n: Kobe wake up we gotta go

K: go where

Y/n: the trip is today

K: oh yeah- wait were is it

Y/n: it's in Norway

K: we're is that

Y/n: it's in Europe

K: ouu dat sounds fun is it cold there

Y/n: yes I searched it up and it said "the temperatures normally lie around 20 degrees during summer"

(I actually researched it)

K: ok imma go home a and change, I'll be back in

Y/n: ight I'll pick you up when I'm done getting ready

K: ok.....



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