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You were sitting on your bed horny thinking about "Kobe" but you knew that he was with his family, so you just thought you should call him, but you didn't want to interrupt what he was doing with his family. Until you got a call from him.

Ongoing call with
💕🌎my world 🌎 💕

Kobe: hey mama

Y/n: hey "daddy"

Kobe: "daddy?" That's new

Y/n: mm is it new

Kobe: yeah it is- wait are you "horny"

Y/n: maybe

Kobe: mama I need to know, because I will help if you need me

Y/n: yes I am "horny" but your with your family, and I don't wanna take you from them

Kobe: I know you don't, but your one of my priorities and if you need something I'm supposed to help you when you need it

Y/n: I know but-

Kobe: no buts I'm omw now

Y/n: but Kobe-

Call ended

You thought to yourself "wow he really just hung up on me", so you just watch Netflix until you hear a knock on the door, you get up and walk downstairs to the door and answered obviously it was Kobe

Y/n: hey "daddy"

K: hey mama

He smashed his lips onto yours and picked you up making your legs instantly rap around his waist.he put his face in your neck planting "love marks" all over you neck. You could feel his hard bulge making you moan. You move your hips in circular motion making him groan on your neck. He stoped kissing you and took you upstairs to "the room".

He threw you on the bed. You were aroused by how "Sexy" he was

K: how bad do you want me

Y/n: real bad "daddy"

K: mh I love it when you call me that

Y/n: well show me how much you love it when I call you that

So he pulled you down to the edge of the bed and got on his knees. He pulled your tight shorts that barely covered your ass down. He soon saw that you had no underwear on which made him even more horny.

K: mh no underwear

Y/n: never

He smirked, and slid a finger down your wetness. Making you moan instantly. He moved his finger from your clit to his mouth. He inserted two fingers inside of you, he curled them going faster and faster. He could feel how tight you were, and every bit of wetness

Y/n: mh "daddy" just like that

He added his tongue going at an ungodly pace.

Y/n: fuck I'm close

He pulled his fingers out and stoped.

Y/n: (whining) why did you st-

He slammed deep inside of you.

K: fuck mama y-your so tight

You felt all of his veins and blood pumping in his length, it was growing faster and faster by the minutes. He was like 5 inches a min ago and now he is 10, it didn't even fit all the way.

Y/n: I'm cumming

K: me to

You both came and Kobe plopped down next to you

Y/n: thank you

K: I knew that you needed me

Y/n: *laughs* yeah yeah whatever

With that you both drifted off to sleep

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