💕I love you💕

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You and your boyfriend Kobe have been dating for 3 months now and still haven't said "I love you". You know that saying "I love you" is a strong word, that you don't just tell anyone.

Ka: heyyy girl

Y/n: heyy bitch

Ka: so have you told him that you love him yet

Y/n: no, but I'm planning on telling him in next period

Ka: girl are you nervous, because I was shaking and shit when I told Jake

Y/n: yes and no surprisingly I'm really not I guess you could say I'm more excited, because I really do "love" him

Ka: good because he is a keeper, well imma go to Mrs. Smiths class, so bye

Y/n: bye

You both go your separate ways. Once you got to class you saw that Kobe was already there, so you walk up to him and sit next to him

K: hey mama

Y/n: hey baby

K: so, how are you today

Y/n: I'm great, how are you

K: I'm good

He said looking you in your eyes deeply

Y/n: what

K: nothing it's just your so beautiful

Y/n: no I'm really not

K: yes you are never let anyone tell you otherwise

Y/n: ok

You started blushing hella. Soon class was over

We gon skip to when it's time to leave because the school is getting weird.

K: Y/n wait up-

Y/n: yes bae

K: um can I come over to your house

Y/n: yeah sure and my mom is not home

K: what does that mean

Y/n: Idk how bout you show me

K: I'm down fs fs

Y/n: well come on my car is over here

K: ok

He said following behind you.

K: you want me to drive

Y/n: yeah

K: ight lemme tell my mom I'm staying over

He texted his mom.

K: ight she said yeah but no baby's

Y/n: aww man

K: right like

You laughed and you both get in the car

K: bae, "I-I love you"

You were shocked

Y/n: "I-I l-love you" too baby

You started blushing hella

K: wow we just said the "L-word"

Y/n: yeah it's crazy but I really do "love you"

K: oh yeah well I'll show you how much "I love you"

Y/n: mh I can't wait

Kobe then gripped you thigh rubbing slowly up to your heat, making you whine

K: what's wrong mama

Y/n: I need you

K: I know but you have to be patient

Y/n: ok

Soon you make it to your house. Kobe got out of the car and opened your door. He picked you up, making you legs rap around his waist. You could feel his hard length on your pussy. As Kobe was taking you up stairs you got horny and even more horny. Kobe opened the door and threw you on the bed.

He pulled your pants down along with you thong. He got on his knees.

K: now I'm going to show you how much "I love you"

Y/n: please do I really need you

K: ok

He leaned down to your dripping wet pussy. He kissed your inner thigh making you moan. He went over to you other thigh and did the same thing leaving "love marks"

Y/n: pls hurry

With that he licked a bold strip across your pussy, and then started to "eat"

Y/n: mh fuck

His tongue was move at a pace he would never do. Soon you were close

Y/n: shi-shit I'm close

He went faster going in figure-8 motion, adding his fingers. You then release all over his face. Kobe came up to give you a kiss. You look down to see Kobe still hard

Y/n: do you want me to help you with that

K: nah, I wanted to please you not me

You get down on your knees and pull out his dick. To see it slap your face a lil. You giggle and stat kitty licking his tip, cause if him to moan in frustration.

K: don't be a tease

You stuff most of what you could fit in your mouth, and used your hands for the rest.

K: faster

You tried to go faster but it was too much

K: ykw fuck this

He shoved you head down, basically fucking your throat. You feel him twitch in your throat know he was about to cum.

K: fuck imma cum

He pulled his dick out of you moth, and jerked-off. He came on you boobs. He cleaned you up and you both lay down on the bed.

Idk abt this

Any recommendations

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