💞My love💞

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I'm so sorry for leaving y'all without the stories

But just know that I'm back nd the stories are gonna be coming back to back

   Anyway enjoy

You and your best friend Kobe were sitting on the couch. You look over at him to see his eyes on your breast.

Y/n: aye my eyes are up here

K: mb

He looked away in embarrassment.

Y/n: hey it's ok

K: no it's not we're friends, remember what you said

You then had a flashback of when you rejected him.


K: hey Y/n

Y/n: hey Kobe

K: um would you maybe go out with me

Y/n: sorry Kobe I'm with Luca

K: oh it's fine

*End of flashback*

Y/n: oh I remember, and I'm sorry

K: it's ok imma just go

Y/n: wait- i did like you back but I didn't want to ruin our friendship

K: wait you for real

Y/n: yes I only got with Luca just so I could get you off of my mind, but it did not work

K: so that's why you guys broke up..because of me

Y/n: yeah

K: so can we be together

Y/n: I want to, but I don't wanna ruin our friendship

K: how about this, we can try to take it slow

Y/n: that sounds good

He smiled a gave you a hug

K: we should go out on a date

Y/n: ok, but where tho

K: we can eat at my house later, and I'll take you somewhere special after

Y/n: what is this special thing

K: I can't tell

Y/n: mm so your gonna tease me

K: I mean i can give it to you now, but that would ruin the surprise

Y/n: hm ig i could wait😒, so what we finna do until then

K: well if we are doing a date I'm going to go home to get ready

Y/n: ok ig I'll get ready too

K: ok I'll come back a 8

Kobe walked up to you and gave you a kiss with tongue. You felt a puddle form in your panties.(I hear sum purring, oh wait- das my puss-)

K: bye ma

With that he was gone...you were standing there speechless with a puddle in your panties...you didn't even get the chance to say bye. You then go upstairs and start to get ready.

 You then go upstairs and start to get ready

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*What you wore*

You look at the time and see that it is 8:00. You then hear a knock on the door.

K: hey beautiful

You blushed

Y/n: hey

K: wow I got you blushing

Y/n: no

K: mhm anyway you ready

Y/n: yea

K: ok let's go

*Y'all got in the car*

Y/n: before we go can I get another tongue kiss

K: yea

He kissed you. Your tongue was fighting for dominance, but he obviously won. He pulled away but you wanted more.

Y/n: aww man

K: what wrong ma

Y/n: I neeeeedddd more kisses

K: you have to wait

Y/n: fine

Y'all pulled off and drove to Kobe's house. Soon y'all were there. Kobe opened your door for you and you smile at him. Y'all walk in and go up stairs. You sat on his bed and Kobe sat next to you.

K: mama

Y/n: yes bby

K: I wanna fuck you

Y/n: ok so do it

K: mm Idk yet

Y/n: wym

K: like ion wanna rush you into things

Y/n: ok I respect that

K: thx mama

Y/n: can I get another kiss

K: mhm *pats lap*

You get up and sit in his lap.

Y/n: mm your so big

K: ikr

Y/n: *laughs* kiss meee

K: ok

He gave you a peck on the lips

Y/n: heyy that's not a kiss

K: yes it was 😂

Y/n: can I get a hickey {idk if that's how you spell it sksnhdms}

K: nope imma go to bed

Y/n: can we cuddle at least

K: mhm come here

Y/n: wait lemme take my dress off

K: ight

You took your dress off leaving you in your panties nd bra.

K: ima take my stuff off to

Y/n: ok

Once Kobe's things were off he laid behind you. He rubbed your curves and kissed your neck. Leaving "Love marks"

Y/n: how did we go from friends to lovers

K: ion know but what i do know is I'm tired

Y/n: me too let's go to sleep

Part two?

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