Mafia boss {pt.5}

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Y/n: ....

K:I think it's time to leave

Y/n: y-yeah I-I th-think so

You both then left. Derek Vallyk and Mike left later on.

Y/n: *cries* it's all my fault

K: no it's mine I'm in the mafia and I shouldn't have brought you into this life I'm sorry Y/n

Y/n: no no no it's ok

K: I'm glad you understand

You guy made it to his house. You both go to his room.

K: umm so what did he do to you

Y/n: well h-he ra-raped me an-and punched me, s-slapped me and m-more

You started to cry

K: baby girl I'm so sorry you had to go threw that. Did he do anything thing else

Y/n: u-um he di-didn't pull o-out

He started to cry and Kobe hug you

Y/n: mh ow

You said in pain

K: sorry

Y/n: it's ok

K: do you wanna keep the baby

Y/n: well I don't wanna abort it maybe adoption

K: we should keep the baby he or she deserves good parents like us

Y/n: are you sure b-because we don't have to

K: yes I'm sure I would love to take care of this baby

Y/n: ok but just know we need to keep this baby a secret. Just so your rivals don't come after the baby we should probably move

K: deal, now do you want cuddles

Y/n: mhm

You both cuddled. While y'all were cuddling Kobe was sleep, but you felt Kobe's print. But you didn't think anything of it and went to sleep.

We gon skip to 10 years later (cause I wanna end this and start a new story)

You woke up first and saw that Kobe was still sleeping so you went to the bathroom and you did your hygiene and put on your outfit

You woke up first and saw that Kobe was still sleeping so you went to the bathroom and you did your hygiene and put on your outfit

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*what you wore

You saw that Kobe was awake

K: dam ma you look fine

You blushed and got in bed with him.

Y/n: aww thank you

He was about to kiss you but you said

Y/n: bae go brush first

K: fine

He roiled his eyes playfully. He got up and did his hygiene. You went to check on the your daughters future and Present.
(Future is your 6 year old daughter by Kobe and your other daughter Present is 10 by sora)

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